Worst Drivers

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
Well before I drove I thought that the people who said this were sexist rascists pigs, but now I have to say.

1. Very old people
2. Women
3. Asians
4. Young men

Of course this is by no means saying that all are bad as I'm sure that most women and asians are very good drivers. Not sure about very old people though.

When I had a motorbike I did a bit of research for a month so whenever I saw someone do something really stupid or driving really badly I'd wait for an opportunity to overtake them (giving wide birth obviously) and observe the driver.
All of the drivers were in the categories above with the first 3 by far the worst offenders.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2007
BMW (car) drivers definitely come high on the list. Many of them drive as if they think they are on a motorbike, accelerating hard and darting between lanes.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
We all have our good and bad moments on the road - the law says we should drive perfectly (safety), all the time - yeh - :rolleyes: .

Have a read of this:

Third Party Perception

Then say (with your hand on your heart) - I'm not like that, never, ever.

If you do, then your probably best described as someone who fails to tell the truth - all the time :)

PS: Worst drivers I find are lost holiday makers; drive very slowly, indicate left and turn right, just turn (with-out indicating), always in the wrong lane on the round-abouts and stop in the middle of the road because they have missed the turning.
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Oct 25, 2006
I concur with Maestro and John to a fair extent, though not attributing the "worst" to all of each of those by any means.

The Telgraph's reporting of Range Rover drivers as the worst reminds me of an old Range Rover joke:

What's the difference between a Range Rover and a hedgehog?

Answer: With a hedgehog the pricks are on the outside.

(First person to tell me that was a Range Rover driver)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
White van drivers. 2 very near misses for me with these jokers. Also agree with the BMW drivers and the 4x4 drivers



Sep 28, 2007
Bus drivers

I travel in bus lanes and on busy urban roads and I find that bus drivers are some of the worst culprits
a) do not look in their off side rear mirror when setting off and so trap me and other cyclists who are passing them
b) overtake cyclists and then immediatley brake sharply and stop at bus stops so blocking cyclists or trapping them between the bus and the kerb.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2006
White van drivers. 2 very near misses for me with these jokers. Also agree with the BMW drivers and the 4x4 drivers

The one time I had an accident involving another vehicle was riding my Honda Step Compo along a street in Camden, during a blizzard. A royal mail van pulled out from a parking space in front of me. I went over the bonnet but managed not to bang my head (no helmet, naturally) - no harm done.

The combination of the postie not paying attention and me squinting because of the snow wasn't a good one.


Finding my (electric) wheels
May 6, 2008
Anyone who overtakes me too slowly!

I hate it when some smug (ooh look at me, Im driving safely) wally, comes alongside as if tomorrow will do. What happens when something appears from the other direction?

Mr or Mrs "Safe Driver" couldnt give a toss about me, as they swing back to the left to make way for the other vehicle, leaving me on the kerb, or worse.

When overtaking bikes, do it quickly and cleanly, not "safely". (a word that has been hijacked by morons who wants to bring the world to a standstill)

Thats my rant for today




Jan 2, 2007
Range Rover and BMW drivers absolutely, and steer clear of any car that has been "pimped" too.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
I think its is generally people who have never ridden a bike since they were about 5...People who have ridden a bike on the road tend to give you a wide berth and appreciate the problems....HGV drivers generally seem to be better than the rest..White van man,Range Rover,Sportscars and boy/girl racers tend to be complete t*ssers...

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
I travel in bus lanes and on busy urban roads and I find that bus drivers are some of the worst culprits
a) do not look in their off side rear mirror when setting off and so trap me and other cyclists who are passing them
b) overtake cyclists and then immediatley brake sharply and stop at bus stops so blocking cyclists or trapping them between the bus and the kerb.
Yes I totally agree with you on bus drivers although the advantage is they are pretty easy to recognise but still a nuisance if not exactly dangerous. I do agree with pimped cars and cars reving their engines alot too, but again easy to spot and steer clear. I think I have most trouble with the list I gave because they often appear like any other car until the time they pull out on you without looking.


Aug 26, 2008
People who ride will always moan about drivers and drivers will always moan about cyclist getting in there way.

get over it.


Oct 25, 2006
People who ride will always moan about drivers and drivers will always moan about cyclist getting in there way.

get over it.
Just as there will always be people posting in ill mannered ways, and others not happy about that?


Aug 26, 2008
Just as there will always be people posting in ill mannered ways, and others not happy about that?
take it any way you like.

I'm a cyclist myself and I have had my fair share on near misses and crashes on and off the road, some caused by myself pushing to hard or being taken out by cars/buses.

But I have also been a driver and seen cyclists do some pretty stupid stuff.

No one is prefect.


Oct 25, 2006
I'm a cyclist myself and I have had my fair share on near misses and crashes on and off the road, some caused by myself pushing to hard or being taken out by cars/buses.

But I have also been a driver and seen cyclists do some pretty stupid stuff.
I agree with that, being a driver, motorcyclist, cyclist and walker through most of my life. That's good for understanding of course.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 16, 2007
Cornwall. PL27
.... I'm a cyclist myself and I have had my fair share on near misses and crashes on and off the road, some caused by myself pushing to hard or being taken out by cars/buses ....
If I'm honest I have to say that all my road accidents (5 in 27 years) (apart from one) have been my own fault. The one exception was when a medium sized dog decided to head butt the front wheel of my motorbike - sent me flying over the handlebars. That said, they have all been minor with damage only to my vehicle or myself.

I've had a lot of near misses but because I'm always very aware of other road users (sometime almost telepathic) I seem to be able to predict when they are about to become a problem (always consider ALL road users as brain dead idiots) and watch out for the real numb-skulls. Fortunatly, for me it's usually some other poor road user that pays for their bad driving - and I've seen it happen :eek:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
If I'm honest I have to say that all my road accidents (5 in 27 years) (apart from one) have been my own fault. The one exception was when a medium sized dog decided to head butt the front wheel of my motorbike - sent me flying over the handlebars. That said, they have all been minor with damage only to my vehicle or myself.

I've had a lot of near misses but because I'm always very aware of other road users (sometime almost telepathic) I seem to be able to predict when they are about to become a problem (always consider ALL road users as brain dead idiots) and watch out for the real numb-skulls. Fortunatly, for me it's usually some other poor road user that pays for their bad driving - and I've seen it happen :eek:
Yup, in all honesty, me too... in 45 years & 200,000 miles i've had 5 serious mishaps, a couple were my fault, distracted & a mis-judgement. i won't gore you with the bory details, i have had some very close shaves, usually my own fault and failing to apply the primary safety principle, have also caused a few sweaty palms in motorists too, but after a very nasty incident 15 years ago, i now 'just totally ride the bike' assuming every moving object has no brain and is likely to move off in any direction,and i make sure i am looking where i am going and paying full attention.


Dec 17, 2007
People who ride will always moan about drivers and drivers will always moan about cyclist getting in there way.

get over it.

Maybe but drivers hate BMW drivers too. They are agressive and arrogant in the way they treat other road users. Tailgating is compulsary.

This trend is so strong that my wife and i once got totally weirded out by a BMW driver who drove round the M25 behind us at a safe and respectable distance we coudlnt work out what his game was.

I even remember there being a news story about police pulling over a BMW driver because he was driving safely and respectfully. They assumed the car was stolen.


Dec 17, 2007
One time, I had to drive a battered white company transit as my sole transport for 6 months. I drove like a complete tosser! It was the ultimate commuting machine, everyone gets out of your way!


Aug 26, 2008
One time, I had to drive a battered white company transit as my sole transport for 6 months. I drove like a complete tosser! It was the ultimate commuting machine, everyone gets out of your way!
Haha, white van man. good stuff