Wonderful Whitfield Welcome....to all cyclists


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 24, 2013
Nr Ingleton, N. Yorkshire
Oh, I'm a sucker for a nice tasty bit o' spam. Just ask Frank. :)
Wish I was closer, I'd definitely pop in, so best of luck in your new venture.
Absolutely - great to here of somewhere else to stop for a break, especially between Alston and Hexham:). That's about halfway for us on trips to the Northumberland coast.

It will only become spam (Sorry, I mean 'blatant advertising') if we finish up with posts something like:
EBIKER_NUTTER: Anyone know of a great place to stop and refuel between Norwich and Ipswich?
FUNKYLYN_WHITFIELD_CAKE_QUEEN: Drop in at my place! It's not on your way, and totally irrelevant to your query, but Hey!!!;)


Apr 2, 2011
Well I'll certainly swing by for a visit - it's only a half hour drive max from where I live. I used to go that way a lot when my eldest was at Uni ( it wasn't the most most sensible way to get to Manchester - I just used that as an excuse so I could enjoy one of the best routes I know).

Best of luck in your new venture Lynda!


A little bird told me the eagle has landed;)

It is a nice location which I know from my youth when I used to drive from Penrith to Newcastle in my old 1275 Mini Cooper S, the hairpin bends going up Hartside were great fun:cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
Good luck with it. I must say that that website's streets ahead of most for cafés and small villagey shops. FFS don't change it any more than you have to!


Oct 25, 2006
I must say that that website's streets ahead of most for cafés and small villagey shops. FFS don't change it any more than you have to!
Seconded, remarkably good for such a small enterprise.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 31, 2010
Good luck with it. I must say that that website's streets ahead of most for cafés and small villagey shops. FFS don't change it any more than you have to!
It could do with a local picture gallery - I hadn't the foggiest what it looked like around there. Also, a pic of the shop in its setting so people know where to look for it. The shot of the front is all well and good, but where in the village is it, kind of thing?
I would just look at Streetview and find it, but a lot of your potential trade wouldn't. Of course, it also depends a lot on passing trade; spur of the moment, as in any caff will do, but many will plan to drop in so they need to know where it is.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 22, 2011
South Shields, Tyne & Wear
I cant tell you enough how much I appreciate all your good wishes, you are all so lovely :)

The move itself went pretty smoothly....it was the previous 3 weeks that have been extremely stressful.

So now I am looking forward to taking over the business properly next saturday, I am living in the Old Police House, right next door, so just have to go out my back door across the lawn and into work :cool:

Love the Tour de Whitfield idea....there are certainly plenty of testing hills lol

Dave...Im right on the roadside, you cant miss me....well, might be better when I get more signs up further back along the road.......

Exhausted but Ecstatic Lynda :)



When you have a spare minute...lol, you need to get onto Google and ask them nicely to update streetview.

The images they are using date from 2009 so don't actually show the Village Pantry.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
It could do with a local picture gallery - I hadn't the foggiest what it looked like around there. Also, a pic of the shop in its setting so people know where to look for it. The shot of the front is all well and good, but where in the village is it, kind of thing?
And the potential problem right there is that the existing shots on the website are good. They convey the impression that there is a bit of style to the place, as indeed does the site itself. As to the relative paucity of pictures, isn't less sometimes more?

Speaking as a retired pro photographer, I can assure you that taking additional pictures and preparing the files so that they blend in with what's on that site now would not be anything like as easy as many folk may think. And it does matter that all the snaps on a site have a consistent look to them. Lack of that consistency is one of the first things that shouts "cheapo home-made job", and I doubt that's the impression the new owner wishes to create ...

ETA - it occurs to me that if it's a case of people wanting to see the premises in context before making up their mind to patronise it, there's always Street View ;)
Last edited:


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 24, 2013
Nr Ingleton, N. Yorkshire
ETA - it occurs to me that if it's a case of people wanting to see the premises in context before making up their mind to patronise it, there's always Street View ;)
But that's the problem - streetview is an image from 2009, when the premises was still 'Whitfield Village Store';)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
But that's the problem - streetview is an image from 2009, when the premises was still 'Whitfield Village Store';)
But why exactly is that a problem? Seriously, if I was running that business, I certainly wouldn't plaster the site with stuff so it's all things to all people. I'd try and attract a more discerning clientele - punters who'd perhaps been a bit intrigued by the site and so decided to get off their asre and go check it out. There's much to be said for niche marketing, and that doesn't have to mean that you're not happy to take the money off the hoi polloi too ... :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 24, 2013
Nr Ingleton, N. Yorkshire
But why exactly is that a problem? Seriously, if I was running that business, I certainly wouldn't plaster the site with stuff so it's all things to all people. I'd try and attract a more discerning clientele - punters who'd perhaps been a bit intrigued by the site and so decided to get off their asre and go check it out. There's much to be said for niche marketing, and that doesn't have to mean that you're not happy to take the money off the hoi polloi too ... :)
Sorry Dan,
Maybe some crossed wires. I wasn't suggesting alterations to the website, per se. I simply meant that streetview is a problem as it doesn't show the store as it is now (i.e. presumably the frontage now relfects the upmarket website, rather than a dowdy village shop).:)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 2, 2010
Sarfeast England
No worries Phil. I got in a misunderstuddle there ...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 22, 2012
Here's a more recent pic - apologies for the slightly scruffy screen grab.
