Wispers and too-low gears


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 28, 2009
The EAPC regulations specifically state that to qualify as an electric assist pedal cycle and be exempt from motor vehicle legislation the bike must not be able to assist above 15 mph. There is an assumption by some of a 10 % tolerance, meanig around 17 mph absolute maximum, and the DfT may have indicated that, but that is not stated in law.

Since yours doesn't assist above 15 mph anyway, you seem to be safe in either mode.
With a twist of the throttle (in off-road mode) it will do 19mph under the right conditions.

Normal Mode: Pedelec ~11-13mph Throttle ~13-15mph
Off-road Mode: Pedelec ~13-15mph Throttle ~15-19mph


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
Vikki, when you say "5th on HIGH" is comfortable, do you mean running in Off-road mode without throttle?
Exactly :) I do 14 to 14.5 if I go to 6th I find the cadence a little slow for me. 6th is fine with full throttle. Never go to 7th. I like a slightly faster cadence when I pedal. I always spin on my trike, never mash. Mashing just makes my left knee scream blue bloody murder at me :eek:

Full throttle in off-road sees me getting 16.5 mph. Applying some effort I can squeeze 17.5 mph out of SB. With the wind behind me I hit twenty. Then I shut the throttle off and was still doing 20. Suddenly realised I was spinning SB to that speed on my own. But it was one hell of a tail wind. Gale force almost.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
Current wind speed in Portsmouth is 32mph gusting to 46mph. No wonder I was steaming in this morning. Going home is going to be a mare, even with electric. Bet I see some people walking their bikes, as I've seen in past high winds.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 28, 2009
Mare or not - crusing at 11mph past unassisted cyclists into a head wind is a great feeling. Gone are the days of slogging into the wind and rain at a miserable walking pace...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 12, 2009
Oh I so absolutely so concur indeedy :D In fact, I was cruising at about 14mph into that wind and I could almost feel the burning eyes boring into my back after I passed several poor unfortunates.

On a side note, I'm picking up a new boom for my trike tomorrow with a triple ring on the front. Pity I have to buy the boom itself but mine doesn't have the KMX Shark Fin that holds the front dérailleur (£78 lost really). Mind you, the price for it built-up and ready to swap over is £192 so I'm quite happy with that. The instant I head north out of Portsmouth I hit hills and my single chain ring is cramping my desire to go further afield out that way. I also want to do some riding over the Isle of Wight but a single ring makes it impractical. Do I care that I go uphill at 2mph? Not on three wheels I don't :D

I don't really like taking SB for recreational rides as he does rather defeat the object of the exercise (no pun intended). I want fun and to get exercise as a by product :) Personally, I don't know why they don't just use the Shark Fin boom on all the trikes.

Best regards.
