Skimming through the Wisper reviews, and having now ridden my new 905se for a few days, I'm beginning to understand the complaints about the gearing.
I used to ride an ordinary bike, 21 gears (how many?), etc. I used the middle front ring most of the time - 85%+. The big front ring got used for quick bursts of hill-climbing, and the smallest front ring got very rare use, mainly on long stretches of ever-so-slightly downhill roads, where the alternative would have been long periods of free-wheeling.
Point I am making is this: I am a SLOW cyclist, by inclination and unfitness.
And yet I keep finding on the Wisper that (even on low or middle power settings), I am being forced to freewheel where I would prefer to have some resistance and carry on pedalling, albeit slowly.
So, the answer other owners seem to have gone for is a smaller front ring - I have seen figures like 36 or 42, and while (generally) I understand what this means, I wonder if this is the best solution. Could, for example, a double ring by easily fitted, with an old-fashioned lever-switch on the handlebars? Or is it best to just drop to a smaller ring?
Opinions very welcomed.
I used to ride an ordinary bike, 21 gears (how many?), etc. I used the middle front ring most of the time - 85%+. The big front ring got used for quick bursts of hill-climbing, and the smallest front ring got very rare use, mainly on long stretches of ever-so-slightly downhill roads, where the alternative would have been long periods of free-wheeling.
Point I am making is this: I am a SLOW cyclist, by inclination and unfitness.
And yet I keep finding on the Wisper that (even on low or middle power settings), I am being forced to freewheel where I would prefer to have some resistance and carry on pedalling, albeit slowly.
So, the answer other owners seem to have gone for is a smaller front ring - I have seen figures like 36 or 42, and while (generally) I understand what this means, I wonder if this is the best solution. Could, for example, a double ring by easily fitted, with an old-fashioned lever-switch on the handlebars? Or is it best to just drop to a smaller ring?
Opinions very welcomed.