I think that drivers just get a bit mesmorised by the lights. All you can see in your car on dark nights are white and red lights in various directions, so its a bit like 'cant see the wood for the trees' type of thing.With the standard LED lights fitted to my Cadence, additional LEDs on my tyre valves (for side visibility), and flashing lights on my fluorescent tabard and backpack, I am lit up like a proverbial Christmas tree on the move for my early morning and early evening darkness commutes.
Yet I still get cut up by motorists on occasion (must be that 'Somebody Else's Problem' field fitted to my bike) - and even worse, I have noticed a huge increase in potential collisions with pedestrians and other cyclists crossing my path or stepping in front of me (without looking) in the gloomy hours.
Wonder if there is a pschological reason behind that (too many bright lights from cars?) or if it is just ignorance? I am considering replacing my bike bell with a louder electric horn...
Maybe those 50 cycles flashing blue tabbard thingys would be better, hmmm....