where can i get bike insurance

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008
I've not managed to find a suitable insurer (theft/damage) for my bike which is a 2001 bike which cost about £400 originally and a new £440 e-bike conversion kit. Unfortunately Evans and some others depreciate the bike by 10% a year (after three years old) and any additional kit is subject to the same depreciation even if new.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I've not managed to find a suitable insurer (theft/damage) for my bike which is a 2001 bike which cost about £400 originally and a new £440 e-bike conversion kit. Unfortunately Evans and some others depreciate the bike by 10% a year (after three years old) and any additional kit is subject to the same depreciation even if new.

i added my bike to my house insurance, just told them what it was valued at..no problem..

The Maestro

Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2008

i added my bike to my house insurance, just told them what it was valued at..no problem..
I don't have any unfortunately. I rent and don't have anything worth pinching iin the house.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
I clicked on the Cycle Guard insurance link on this site and was quoted about £15 a month for my Pro Connect. How does this compare?

Not sure I need £1,000,000 liability though. Can't think how I could rack that up, but it was minimum liability.
lol..sorry took so long to answer i only just picked myself back off the floor with laughing..................£26 a year with evans, also the 1 million third party liability, think 10k personal cover too....dont phone them as they charge £0 more, i was lucky as said software failure....dont do direct debit as thats 26% APR which doubles the cost..make a one off payment of £26... and your laughing ..apart from the £500 excess but i think most will have that, unless you are paiyng £150 a year...which you would with cycle guard insurance...yet i bet they have some excess too........just on an insurance note...my mother renewed her insrunace for her car last week cost £400..living in hull...then she moved up to newcastle and when she told them of change of address they said..."thank you for giving new address...oh that will be another £90 please"............hard to work them out ...there was billions claimed last year with flooding yet my premium hardley moved up, i expected them all to be crippled, they must have a big piggy for a rainy day..
I'm dragging up an old thread here but I don't understand the amusement above, Evans insurance and Cycleguard offer the same policies from the same company JLT. My house insurance excludes ebikes but that doesn't justify the JLT quote being 50% more without public liability, as it's rather steep so are there any alternatives out there that will insure ebikes against theft and damage?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
Heres an interesting 3rd party cover from Every Cycling, join there membership for £24 a year and get free 3rd party insurance.

Insurance cover for cycling activities - third party liability insurance is an integral part of the Everyday Cycling membership package that provides members with important insurance cover with an indemnity limit of 10 million GBP and with no 'excess'. Protecting you from the financial consequences of a claim made against you following a cycling accident that was wholly or partly your fault. This essential member benefit covers non-competitive, social, leisure and utility cycling worldwide.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I have just looked at my home insurance and have cover on a pedal cycle up to the value of £1500.00 In a section of the policy titled, Meaning of Words, it defines Pedal Cycle as any Pedal Cycle that is not mechanically propelled. I own a Kalkhoff Pro-Connect which has the Panasonic system. I don't believe that this fits the definition of being mechanically propelled, rather mechanically assisted. I would term some sort of hub motor that would propel the bike without pedalling as being mechanically propelled. I have phoned my insurance company but they were unable to give me an answer as to whether they would class the bike as a pedal cycle in the event of a theft. I have written to them with all the details and am awaiting a response. Just wondered if anyone else has encountered anything similar and what their views are.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2007
I have just insured my Giant Lafree (£500) & myself for £39.15 annually, it's a full insurance, I have never had a home/contents insurance so can't cover the bike with that.
Cycle Insurance | ETA

Derrick - Llanberis
New for old Agattu @ £1600 = £115 in Bath.. I got mine with Nationwide for additional £90. Esure were going to be significantly cheaper but went with our insurer.. ANY COMMENTS ON ESURE FOR NEXT YEAR?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
Although I can see the potential for 3rd party insurance, I am a bit unsure about getting full blown insurance for the bike. In most cases they require a Sold Secure Gold standard lock before they will insure it.

I got a quote from British Cycling's insurer, and they specifically have a type for e-bike, it was £268 for £3000 of cover over 2 bikes, the 20% excess only applying if the bikes are not kept in the house (mine are in the shed :(), but as per the other insurers, they require a Sold Secure Gold lock to be on the bikes.

So its either spend £268 per year on insurance AND over £100 on locks, or just spend a lot on the locks now and save the insurance money. I wonder if not better to just get the 3rd Party Ins. and buy an extra set of locks instead?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 28, 2008
Warlingham, Surrey
I have just insured my Giant Lafree (£500) & myself for £39.15 annually, it's a full insurance, I have never had a home/contents insurance so can't cover the bike with that.
Cycle Insurance | ETA

Derrick - Llanberis
I read carefully through the ETA policy and noticed that it said the maximum power could not exceed 200W. I pestered them about it last week and today they've told me that their underwriters say that 250W is now permissible.

Can anyone tell me where to find the Frame Number on my Kalkhoff Agattu. There's a sticker on the underside with a bunch of numbers on it.. is that it?


Jul 12, 2008
Swinton have just charged me £18.50 to ensure my paratrooper equiped with Heinzmann kit for £1200 (I never bother to ensure to the full value with the battery as I would never leave it on the bike.

There are no conditions to this that I can see and I have the spec of the bike written into the policy just in case.
