Nice thread title Mike
Maybe responses need not be restricted to interest in "range/speed" but could perhaps be a gauge of whats of interest to people generally re ebikes?
You may be right that range is most often considered to be more important than speed, but (I hope you don't mind me pointing this out!) you may be unaware that the viewings of the two threads you mention cannot be compared on an equal basis because the "range" one is nearly 6 months (~ 25 weeks) old but the "speed" one is only 3 weeks old!

hence the "range" one has been open for over 8 times as long, which may account for most or all of the difference of ~7 times the viewing numbers!
While I tend to agree with Flecc re the realistic limited "one-off" trip range of a 15mph max motor bike, in an ideal world I'd like to be able to travel at 20mph+ for say up to 2hrs = a 40+ mile range, and
still have enough power for the return trip!

but given thats not likely to happen at all easily anytime soon (unless we get nuclear powered bikes or something!

) I just tend now to use speed if I need it or don't need longer range before recharging, or go longer range at lower speed/more pedalling effort if I'm relaxed or have more time.
I've found that those curious about the bike tend to ask first about its top speed, and I think this may be
most people's
first interest, but once the reality of the more speed=less range trade-off hits home, & given that the maximum motor assisted range before "refuelling"
is rather limited compared to other means of transport anyway (unless one uses the motor
very sparingly), then one tends to think more economically & so balance the useful albeit limited speed & range
