Looking back through this thread, just noticed many similar suggestions to my post above:
Cyberbike, cell-bike - JohnInStockie
Cybike, synelec - Miles Hellon
Spike (semi-powered bike) - Quicken
They're all rather accurate as names, but not sure "they're all simple, easy to say, rolling off the tongue without the slightest effort" as flecc wanted... like velosolex, hoover, vespa etc.
Maybe its one or the other: accurate or catchy, after all, an ipod isn't a pod for "i's" now, is it?

and "bicycle" became "bike"...
There's lots more possibilities anyway

Anyway, my favourites & their abbreviations right now are:
synebike/synibike, shortens to:
sybike, or
sybyke if you like symmetry not spelling, or
snike/snyke (now it sounds like
sbike/sbyke or
synike (cynic!).
exo/exa/x-bike, shortens to
xike or
exike(pronounced zike).
(also sounds like "exercise", or the bike with the X-factor

Then we're heading back to
velex (Miles), just I'm not keen on the word "velo"...
A few more variants...
Synex? (Vicks!)
Syner-v (v for vehicle)
Synacycle - too much of a mouthful, shortens to "synacle/synicle"!
sycle? (pronounced cycle)
syclops! hahaha!
synerped (close to some of Miles' ideas)
Got to have some Italian names?!

Turn moped around and you get "
pedamo" (pronounced "ped-arm-o" or just "ped-a-mo"), sounds Italian? (apologies to Leonardo!) - also puts the pedal first, before motor - its a
bike first!! (hope you like that one flecc

I did a search & seems its not in use! A lot like "pedalo" - must be the W-bike ideas surfacing! Easy to say & catchy too, I think? Just a shame about the "ped" first syllable, but if "pedalo" is ok, then why not?
pedimo, pedemo, pedalmo, pedalimo, pedalemo, pedelemo, pedalomo, pedalamo (A bit like the "pendulino" trains?).
I like the brevity of the short names

2 more for now:
binamo/bynamo (pron. buy-na-mo) and