What makes a bike easy to ride


Oct 25, 2006
N.B. Article by Chris_Bike, entered here by flecc

Flecc challenged me to write an article on what makes for an efficient bike and I’ve fallen for it! We are talking about human-powered bikes here, but most of the same principles will apply to power-assisted bikes to one degree or another.

The first thing to acknowledge is that bicycles are remarkable efficient machines. The track bikes that you will see flying around the Manchester or Beijing velodromes are probably transmitting nearly 100% or rider effort into forward motion. Even your poorly maintained and rusting mountain bike in the shed will achieve over 80%. So what we are talking about here is how you make sure that you get the best out of that remaining <20%.

I think that the significant influences can be divided into two categories, those that are rider-related and those that are mechanical or bike-related. Some, like rider position and wind-resistance fall between the two.

Rider-related issues.

The power that we deliver to the drive chain of a cycle is a product of the torque we generate by pedalling action and the speed (rpm) at which we pedal – known as cadence. The torque that we can deliver is determined by mechanical features like leg and crank length but, most crucially, by the strength of the relevant muscle groups. Importantly, at the sort of speeds that most of us pedal, torque doesn’t change much with cadence. So the faster we pedal, usually up to about 100rpm, the more power we put down (at very high cadences, torque actually reduces).

So the first thing to say is that faster cadences are more efficient than slower ones. This doesn’t mean to say that we should all pedal at 120rpm (although the UK Olympic squad all can, with ease). Cadence usually falls off with age, even in really fit riders. What this does say however is that the available range of gears we have (and what use we make of them) is important – pretty well all riders will be delivering more power at 60-70 rpm than at 30-40rpm. You can feel this on any hill, where it is easier to climb in a lower gear, pedling at higher cadences.

The second rider-related issue is that of position on the bike. Position can influence torque as our leg is basically acting as a lever, but the most important effect of position is on wind-resistance or drag. Serious racing cyclists go to a lot of trouble to adopt a maximally “tucked” position when riding into the wind alone (riders in a group can derive a great deal of shelter form other riders). As I write this, Emma Pooley has just won a silver medal in the Olympic Women’s Time Trial on a bike developed by Chris Boardman and British Cycling. As a small rider, she would have been really hard to get into a truly aerodynamic position and I suspect that she will have spent some time in a wind tunnel getting it right. We clearly can’t all do this but, in general, adopting a lower position on the bike will be more efficient that riding upright.

Bike-related issues.

Chains are a very efficient means of transmitting power and the drive chain is not usually a source of inefficiency. Keeping them clean is important as grit and other debris will introduce friction. A major reason for lubricating your chain is to keep the dirt out and chains should be cleaned and re-lubricated frequently. There is some evidence that the chain drives larger sprockets (gears) with somewhat more efficiency than it does small ones, but the use of small gears is usually determined by the cadence that we can comfortably maintain and that, in itself, will aid efficiency.

Derailleur gears usually have lower frictional losses than hub gears, but the reasons for fitting one or other to a particular bike are not usually based upon considerations of efficiency (durability and ease of maintainence being more common considerations).

Tyres can certainly affect frictional losses and, in my view are one of the most frequently overlooked components on a bike. There is often much concern about puncture resistance but rolling resistance (friction on the road) has an enormous effect on ride quality. Rolling resistance is influenced by the physical resistance of the tyre compound and the degree of inflation. I would always recommend inflating tyres towards the top of their stated range. Harder tyres do deliver a harder ride, but they are much more efficient. (Road bumps can be smoothed out by raked or suspension forks and suspension seat posts if required, these may have minor effects on overall efficiency, but not nearly as great as those caused by under-inflated tyres). Tyres that are “slick” (little tread) invariably roll better than those with a deep tread, and narrow tyres roll better than wide ones. It is a fallacy to assume that a tyre with a knobbly tread will grip the road better (as opposed to a muddy track, where knobbly tyres do deliver). There are plenty of nearly slick tyres that remained glued to the road, even in torrential rain – it’s the quality of the rubber compound that achieves this performance.


The weight of a bike is an issue, most especially when riding up hills, but this is not a reason to start worrying about every last gram weight of your equipment. The difference in weight between middle of the range and top of the range equipment is sometimes the same as the chocolate bar in your pocket! If, like me, you are at least 10 kilos overweight, is the extra 200 grams on the weight of your frame really going to make that much difference? However, where I would defend weight saving is in wheels and tyres. It is rider effort that turns these and, on hills especially, rolling weight really does make a considerable difference. This is the reason, of course, why climbers get out their lightest carbon wheels for the mountain stages of the Tour de France. By the way, weight at the rim is more significant than weight at the hub (flywheel effect) so don't get too paranoid if you have a hub motor in your ebike!


The geometry of a bike (a combination of frame angles/sizes and how it is set up) certainly makes a difference to how it feels and sporty bikes with steepish seat and head tubes together with a short wheel base do feel “nippier” and more responsive. This is probably partly to do with the way in which human power is transmitted through the cranks, partly to do with sharper steering on a shorter wheelbase and partly because shorter frames flex less under rider effort. Whatever the reason, it’s true, as you can tell for yourself by going round to your local bike shop to test ride a few models. I confess that I find it hard to explain what is happening here in strict physical/engineering terms, but the effect is undeniable.

So that’s some initial thoughts on cycle efficiency. I am happy to be responsive to comments and will try to incorporate further thoughts that emerge (but I’m not going to get into an argument about whether light wheels are better on hills – I’m afraid they just are!)
Chris :)
1970's Bob Jackson, 1980's Pinarello, 1990's Alves Tandem, 2008 Cytronex Trek
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Oct 25, 2006
(but I’m not going to get into an argument about whether light wheels are better on hills – I’m afraid they just are!)
I'm sure the answer is that climbing is not at a steady rate, the effects of gravity meaning that the bike slows at the end of each pedal stroke and then accelerates again with each subsequent thrust. The wheel mass, and particularly the peripheral part, requires energy to accelerate it, and although the amount at each stroke is small, it is cumulative in terms of energy expended through a given climb.

Of course there is also slowing between pedal strokes on the flat as well, but the amount is miniscule then. By contrast on hills, it can actually be easily detected by climbing a very steep gradient with a very slow cadence, the bike's speed loss at the end of each stroke being very obvious then.
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Dec 17, 2007
The second rider-related issue is that of position on the bike. Position can influence torque as our leg is basically acting as a lever, but the most important effect of position is on wind-resistance or drag. Serious racing cyclists go to a lot of trouble to adopt a maximally “tucked” position when riding into the wind alone (riders in a group can derive a great deal of shelter form other riders). As I write this, Emma Pooley has just won a silver medal in the Olympic Women’s Time Trial on a bike developed by Chris Boardman and British Cycling. As a small rider, she would have been really hard to get into a truly aerodynamic position and I suspect that she will have spent some time in a wind tunnel getting it right. We clearly can’t all do this but, in general, adopting a lower position on the bike will be more efficient that riding upright.
Hi chris, Just saw this article. Wind and aerodynamics are an interesting subject, particularly for the lone commuter\everyday cyclist. Its a given that getting lower on a bike reduces your drag, but there are penalties in the real world for this. The first is that unless your bike is a perfect fit, your breathing is a bit restricted. I usually find that my vision and steering is reduced as well. In very high gusty winds a light racing bike is a liability and a heavyweight city bike handles much better. In reality you need a bike and position that lets you get low and go fast (for flat and downhilling) and sit up and gives you good breathing\vision\steering\handling and lets you get really low.

A interesting example of this is the old style brommie. The odd shaped U handlebars meant you could sit up and watch the world. When descending you could put your head into the U , instantly gaining a very very good tuck. Of course the handling sucked and the frame was wobbly, but i suspect theres something in this design. Time trailling handlebars show how some of the normal design concepts can be discarded for thsi specialised task. I wonder if somone could make a set of bars that wroekd for the commuter and gave this functionality?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2007
Heavy wheels again

I'm sure the answer is that climbing is not at a steady rate, the effects of gravity meaning that the bike slows at the end of each pedal stroke and then accelerates again with each subsequent thrust. The wheel mass, and particularly the peripheral part, requires energy to accelerate it, and although the amount at each stroke is small, it is cumulative in terms of energy expended through a given climb.

Of course there is also slowing between pedal strokes on the flat as well, but the amount is miniscule then. By contrast on hills, it can actually be easily detected by climbing a very steep gradient with a very slow cadence, the bike's speed loss at the end of each stroke being very obvious then.
With more mass on the wheel rim, the acceleration at each pedal stroke will be less but the deceleration will be less too by exactly the same amount. In fact, having more mass at the rim will produce a more steady climing rate than having less. (I mentioned this in the previous thread).

I am not meaning to disagree with Chris at all on this, I am just curious to know the reason for it and I still don't think we know the answer.

I guess that Tour de France riders will do almost anything to save a few grams on the climbs. I also read that they often attack on the climbs, so perhaps this is where their very low weight wheels give them the edge on acceleration.


May 24, 2008
Tyres can certainly affect frictional losses and, in my view are one of the most frequently overlooked components on a bike...
I would always recommend inflating tyres towards the top of their stated range. Harder tyres do deliver a harder ride, but they are much more efficient. (Road bumps can be smoothed out by raked or suspension forks and suspension seat posts if required, these may have minor effects on overall efficiency, but not nearly as great as those caused by under-inflated tyres). .
I have recently inceased the PSI of my tyres and am amazed at how easy the bike is to ride now...almost effortless and with higher speeds. The ride was more bumpy but I unlocked my suspension forks by one position which has solved the problem.

I'm now a bit worried that I'll lose fitness and put on all the weight I lost riding the bike with under inflated tyres ..hehe


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
I have recently inceased the PSI of my tyres and am amazed at how easy the bike is to ride now...almost effortless and with higher speeds. The ride was more bumpy but I unlocked my suspension forks by one position which has solved the problem.

I'm now a bit worried that I'll lose fitness and put on all the weight I lost riding the bike with under inflated tyres ..hehe
Just wondering - what pressure did you go from and to to notice a difference? I normally only notice reduced pressure if it drops below 35psi.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
Just wondering - what pressure did you go from and to to notice a difference? I normally only notice reduced pressure if it drops below 35psi.

My Schwalbe Marathon Racers say inflate between 40 and 85 psi. Being heavy (15st) I had always kept to about 55/60/65 psi under the assumption that my weight would add the extra pressure. Thankfully, Flecc pointed me to the excellent Schwalbe documentation on tyres where I read that you should be closer to the upper boundary if you are heavier, exactly as with heavy weight in your car. So I now have my tyres at the 85psi and check them weekly. Not only does this improve rolling resistance, but it also reduces the risk of punctures (according to Schwalbe).




Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008

My Schwalbe Marathon Racers say inflate between 40 and 85 psi. Being heavy (15st) I had always kept to about 55/60/65 psi under the assumption that my weight would add the extra pressure. Thankfully, Flecc pointed me to the excellent Schwalbe documentation on tyres where I read that you should be closer to the upper boundary if you are heavier, exactly as with heavy weight in your car. So I now have my tyres at the 85psi and check them weekly. Not only does this improve rolling resistance, but it also reduces the risk of punctures (according to Schwalbe).


I've had a few teething problems and have developed a few punctures that go from 60psi to 30psi in 40 minutes. If you have narrow rims you can damage them by inflating wide tyres to high pressures so higher is not always best, unfortunately there is no way of telling what that is and I'm guessing it is 80psi upwards.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
That article from schwalbe tells you what tryes you can put on what rims. My rims are 19-622, and in the article it says I can safely use upto 40-622.

The marathon racers I have are 38-622.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 17, 2008
It depends on the costruction of the rims, in the quest for lighter rims they are getting more fragile and can be damaged by tyre pressure. You said Schwalbe quoted tyre size but that's not the issue, it's high pressure in a wide tyre on a narrow rim that causes problems but I haven't seen any guide to what is safe.
It probably affects rim brakes far more than disks as the rim wears then it will get weaker.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
It depends on the costruction of the rims, in the quest for lighter rims they are getting more fragile and can be damaged by tyre pressure. You said Schwalbe quoted tyre size but that's not the issue, it's high pressure in a wide tyre on a narrow rim that causes problems but I haven't seen any guide to what is safe.
It probably affects rim brakes far more than disks as the rim wears then it will get weaker.
This is the bit I was refering to Mussels.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2007
from the first posting
[...]I would always recommend inflating tyres towards the top of their stated range. Harder tyres do deliver a harder ride, but they are much more efficient. (Road bumps can be smoothed out by raked or suspension forks and suspension seat posts if required, these may have minor effects on overall efficiency, but not nearly as great as those caused by under-inflated tyres). Tyres that are “slick” (little tread) invariably roll better than those with a deep tread, and narrow tyres roll better than wide ones.
hmm.. would not aggree totaly with that..

wider tires at same pressure roll better than narrow onces..

you can read about it on the schwalbe homepage:
Schwalbe - Professional Bike Tires - Technik

narrow tire -> s = long

wider tire -> s = shorter

the surface which has contact to the ground is the same..
but on the wider tire the tire is "rounder" than on the narrower tire

so: why do road-racing-drivers use narrow tires when the wider tires roll better ?
1.) weight
2.) weight
3.) weight
4.) airdrag

the lighter tire is better for hill climbing but even more: faster to accelerate (rotating mass)
and on the hight speeds of road-racers airdrag is also to be considered

when it comes to not so good roads, for example cobble stone pavement you see very great benefit of the wide tires..

iam a bike messenger
i use Kojaks 1,35" 295g light tires on my bike
fast, easy to accelerate, rolls good
BUT: with 6bar also not that comfortable

on my other bike i use now and than i have the big, wide 2,3" big-Apple 60er...
they are heavy (900g)
accelerating is not good at all
when riding out of the saddle and you have too few airpressure you feel energy being wasted

BUT: when it comes to rolling: at least as good as the kojaks, also i drive the BigApple with much less airpressure (around 2-3bar)

and when it comes to cobble stone pavement (we have a lot here in the city vienna), the bigapple is unbeatable..
you can go over it like nothing, the bike rolls without loosing speed
its like day and night compared to narrow, hard tires
(a hard tire liftes and lowers the bike all the time a little, which costs power... on the wider tire with less pressure the tire compensates that, the bike does not make so many vertical movement, less energy is wasted)

nevertheless i drive the narrow, hard tires because of there super light weight and fast acceleration

oh: for the suspension / Saddlesuspension / fully:

a fully-suspension on an bike is good for big humbs and road-holes,
but for the many micro-humbs on the road, a wide tire is much better
on cobble stone pavement a wide tire like a big apple absorbs more than for example a frontsuspension.. the frontsuspensin can not react that fast..

the cheap ones for sure not...

i have a Cannondale Fatty on my bike (650 Euro the price of the fork alone, so not the badest - with 1300g very light for a fork, light unsprung-weight), but on cobble stone pavement with little shocks my fixed fork on my hardtail with 60er bigapple and 1,5-2bar pressure are more comfortable, eliminating more of the "micro-shocks"
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Mar 26, 2010
The aerodynamic, comfort and efficiency can all be achieved by using a recumbent bike or trike.
In my case the more reclined position equals improved breathing thus improved power output over the ride time on my trikes and head winds become a non event, no wrist, neck, back or glute issues.:)

A 2 wheeled recumbent will be faster assuming they are performance oriented but a trike is so relaxing especially with e-assist and the extra weight is barley noticable on them.

Not everyones cup of tea but there is a reason they banned recumbents from racing and why they hold the world human powered speed record.
