What is wrong with 50cycles?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 1, 2007
Leicester LE4, UK.
I have visited 50cycles a few times and indeed live close by. Their premises which they have occupied for a few years are a normal modern industrial unit, approx 2500 sq ft situated on an industrial estate in an industrial area of the town. While I'll refrain from comment on other recent matters they are undoubtedly a proper company operating from perfectly suitable premises. Shops are for high street bike sellers which like most of their competitors 50cycles have never made any claim or effort to be.

The building is quite low key without a sign but any crime prevention officer will tell you the likely reason for that.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
There is no doubt that some people are very happy with the service they got from 50cycles. Equally there's no doubt that some people are very unhappy. Since this thread started I have received some PMs suggesting the level of dissatisfaction is greater than I thought.

But please do not let us on the forum split into two camps and fight each other.

1. 50cycles have treated some people badly. The phrase "with indifference" has been used. Personally I would have put it more strongly.

2. The delay over Kalkhoff deliveries has not been handled well.

To a degree, these are subjective and rely on personal reports, so let's just note them and not dwell on them. There are other points that have been documented on the forum.

3. The business over the eZee Lithium/NiMH battery issue was not handled well. People were left in the lurch and some statements from 50cycles do not stand up to scrutiny. Particularly we were told they couldn't get NiMH batteries when it now seems there should have been no difficulty.

4. Something untoward seems to have happened over the 34 replacement Li batteries sent over from China. We know of one member getting one and of several being refused. Its a complicated situation that needs some light shone upon it. 50cycles is not allowing that to happen and in the absence of that light there is a suspicion about what really happened to the rest of them.

5. There is public spat going on between 50cycles and eZee.

There may be perfectly good explanations for all this. Indeed I hope there are. But until we discover them, these last three points at least are of serious concern to eZee owners, and to others.



Oct 25, 2006
Appearances can be deceptive Burncycle.

As Ian has said, there are good reasons for not displaying one's identity on an industrial unit estate, and those reasons also hold for not displaying one's true size.

In fact the unit you saw was only a part of 50cycles operation, but for obvious security reasons I won't disclose the location of the remainder. They also arrange demonstrations and deliver some bikes from their London location near me.

I've often been to manufacturers of a variety of products, and the experience of difficulty in exactly locating them has been common, even with some well known names, so I usually ask for details on the phone first, as i did with 50cycles at Loughborough when I visited long ago.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
Well, following a great tip-off by Alb (thanks John:) )I bought a German Whisper SE, imported by John, sold here in the UK just before Xmas, used for 2 miles and then deemed surplus to requirements because the person for whom it was bought got a job too far away to cycle.
Well I'm no sort of judge of course being completely new to ebikes, but it sounds to me as if you've got yourself a very real bargain. Damn-it that's not a lot more than half the Agattu total! Looking forward to hearing first that you have it, and then your thoughts about it.


Is there any significance in the fact then when you look to the right of this post - there is no longer a 50 cycles banner add link?????????

Sep 24, 2007
Well I'm no sort of judge of course being completely new to ebikes, but it sounds to me as if you've got yourself a very real bargain. Damn-it that's not a lot more than half the Agattu total! Looking forward to hearing first that you have it, and then your thoughts about it.
Even better is that the bike is arriving by courier on Tuesday. Yes, it's a lot less than what I was going to pay for the Agattu but a major factor was the fact that I'll have it in a few days, not a few months. Also, the bloke I bought it from was nice, polite and tremendously helpful.

I'll hopefully have the bike on Tuesday afternoon and will fit a child's crossbar seat and then be out on it straight away. I did 10 miles today on my 'normal' bike, plus child, and really missed a bit of electric 'oomph' now and then!

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent

Hi Jimmy

Further to your post. Thanks again for your report, it did help us in re-specifying the 905's. If you would like full spec then email me at miall@aol.com and I will send you the details and latest photos. I am also sure we can manage great deal for you if you fancy a trade in on your German model.

Regarding warranty issues if anyone has any problems please call Doug on 01425 627 641

Thanks for your help.

Best regards David

Wisper Bikes

Trade Member
Apr 11, 2007
Sevenoaks Kent
50 Cycles

Regarding 50 Cycles, my advice as a competitor of 50 Cycles would be to contact them directly if you have any concerns, they are very nice people and I am certain they would be only too pleased to speak to you.

As a manufacturer I know it is sometimes difficult to conduct business in open forum. Forums such as Pedelecs are VERY useful but unfortunately are sometimes used by people with a personal vendetta.

In conclusion don't take any derogatory remarks seen on any forum at face value, if you are worried call the person or company directly and talk to them about your worries.

Best regards David Miall
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
I, for one, am delighted to see Scott reporting back on his visit to Germany on this forum. I'd feared that 50 Cycles had withdrawn from all communication on this site along with the advertising. That would have been a shame as members (even Jimmyengland) are entitled to air their opinions/experiences so we can all (including retailers) learn from them.

Sorry to hear of Scott's storage unit problem but there's no delay reported by him on the other Agutta diamond frame sizes.

Oh, but now he's reported so enthusiastically, should I have gone the whole hog and ordered a Pro-Connect.... and if so when are they coming??


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Yep I know all about your fire.
I phoned 50cycles right in the middle of it all !
Your receptionist was very calm.
Good to see your posting on the forum 50 cycles.


Oct 25, 2006
Sorry to hear of the fire Scott, but good to see you back in here.

I think we're all looking forward to the Pro-Connect, a normal looking lightweight bike that's discreetly an e-bike is something that's always been wanted.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Sorry to hear about your fire – sounds like no one was hurt thank heavens. Sure you don't need to be answering a lot of emails and phone calls at the moment so wondered if it would help to clarify about the delay in delivery on the Agattu: when you say “one model size delayed” which is the "53+57", do you mean two model sizes i.e. the 53 and the 57?

Thanks - and it would be really nice in due course to say which panniers and/or speedo you’re offering and pop in a link perhaps.
Sep 24, 2007
That would have been a shame as members (even Jimmyengland) are entitled to air their opinions/experiences
Tut, tut, Si. You've told us you're just "a thick lawyer" but sleeping in the knife drawer isn't a good idea :) You've started sounding off yourself too recently... read your posts....:)