For what it is worth, my wife has a Bobbin with a Cytronex C1. She absolutely loves it. The bike looks fantastic, is very light and works well. She's not had any problems with it at all.
She's also got an electric MTB and that is a mid-drive and very heavy (21kg). But both bikes serve very different purposes.
I've joined here as I'm looking to convert an old carbon road bike for commuting. So I'm interested in what people would recommend. QUOTE]
We also have a C1 conversion: Planet X Carbon frame, Sram force 22. Total cost about £2,500.
The set-up was not easy. Exchange of photos with Cytronex drew suggestions that the wiring looms would be damaged if the bends were too tight, but the problem seemed to arise with the sensor, which can easily get knocked out of position.
The experience (and cost) we're enough to make me look at the commercial stealthy options on sale. I have an Orbea Gain on order (other brands are available). On paper, it has a bigger battery and a longer range. And it doesn't look remotely like an e-bike. In Shimano 105 format with hydraulic discs, it costs about a grand more than the C1 conversion. For what it's worth, I think that the days of the bottle battery are over (excepting diy enthusiasts).
When the new bike arrives, I intend to do a number of head to head tests and I will publish the results here.