What are the major factors that persuaded you to get an electric bike?


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 30, 2008
My main reasons:

- Public transport is rubbish - to get to my partners old place of work 3.5miles away takes an hour of walks and buses!
- Cars are too expensive and we all need to lower pollution
- Not fit/well enough to ride a conventional bike or walk too far
- Electric bikes are cheap to buy and have relatively low running costs, even including repairs etc!

If only I'd heard of them 10 months ago :)


Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 1, 2008
i purchased my e-bike because

In Italy gasoline is realy expensive and a lot of tax cover the price to final buyer, so I dont want to give my money to mafia goverment and rich petrol man.

i like to ride easy for one hour in the morning and one in the afternoon, i go to home or work and i'm not tired.

In one year i save a lot of money and i help my enviroment because no pollution is produced from an e-bike
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May 18, 2008
My principal reason for acquiring an electric bike was the loss of my driving licence which consigned me to other modes of transport until March 2009.

I am a regular cyclist and generally use a Raleigh Pioneer 180 hybrid bike for doing a regular 15 - 20 mile circuit to keep fit but wanted something that would allow me to keep in touch with friends and family without turning up bathed in sweat.

I was particulary interested in any e-bike that could be deristricted as I was not content at being limited to 15-16mph but I did want something that I could pedal so scooters were out hence buying an Ezee Forza which I have now deristricted.

I am enjoying the experience and along with my bus pass and senior citizen railcard the enforced ban on driving motor vehicles is saving me a fortune.

I shall be looking to get a totally illegal e-bike in the future - 30 -40 mph if possible.


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
My reasons:

Wanted to incorporate more exercise into my life as I have a sedantry job, but didn't want my 28 mile round-trip commute to turn into a workout that I couldn't face every day.

Wanted to reduce the amount of petrol I use in order to save money (and the planet).

Jim Taverner

Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 9, 2008
I have cycled on and off for the last 60 years including foreign touring with my young family. Unfortunately, the ravages of time caught up with me several years ago (I contracted polio as a child) and after new knee joints and various leg operations, my muscles have all but disappeared. I thought the acquisition of an electric bike (Pedelec) would be the way to go. To that end, I have ordered a Kalkhoff Pro Connect and keenly awaiting delivery. Can't wait to get cycling again. I'll let you know how I get on.



Aug 4, 2008
I don't think I can add anything new here.

I have been gradually expanding for many years and am well aware I need to reduce my BMI. I have tried cycling, swimming, jogging and the gym, none of which I managed to keep to. I have had a disk removed many years ago, and after some pain free years I am starting to get problems that I can only put down to my increased weight.

The cycle to work has always been avoided because, although it was only a round trip of 5.5 miles, more than a mile of the journey in was one long hill. I really didn't want to have to use the company showers daily having done it before when our boiler broke, very embarrassing.

So I looked around for an alternative, to which the pedelec seemed viable. I figured the short drive only cost around £30 a month in the car and I wanted the bike to pay for itself fairly quickly so when a Currie CB26 appeared at £370 delivered I jumped at it.

So bike pays for itself in a year, if it last 3 years I'm £700 in front for the next one...


Jun 20, 2008
Here's some new stuff:

I'd not had a new bike for 30 years. Time for a treat.
I wanted to move to something a bit more 'sit up and beg'
I like new ideas = electric bike (sort of)
I like the community spirit on this forum

And the old stuff:
The hill on the way home is almost too much for me on a conventional bike
I need the exercise
I want to arrive at work a bit less sweaty
It might work out a bit cheaper in the long run


Finding my (electric) wheels
Oct 29, 2008

unfortunatly as I have epilepsy the law wont allow me a driving license for some strange reason so all my life I have had to cycle everywhere and my joints where begining to get a little tired !
I discovered E bikes about 3 years ago and despite many tramuas I think there faboulous
I use mine 7 days a week rain or shine with a daily round trip of 10/20 miles

i am on bike three at the moment and looking for bike 4 !!


May 13, 2009
getting banned from driving for 6 months :) that was three years ago and i'm still ebiking and car free.


Sep 19, 2009
Major factors:

A form of excercise that I can practically build into my day/working week
A conscious decision to use the car less
Would encourage me to cycle on days when I didn't really want too!


Aug 10, 2009
to save time and money

after taking a new job i found that driving was too expensive the city had formed a monopoly with the buses
and car parks. 14.00 to park a day and if you wanted the
bus it was 25.00 a month but you still had to pay on sundays as the buses didnt run. also the buses were often
a few short so waiting was always a factor. I looked into this forum after local bike shops couldnt offer help. I now love my ebike and it takes me half the time to get to work and home and a very small fraction of the cost. I do 14 miles a day with hills.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 8, 2009
My reasons to invest in e-cycling: I love pedal-work, but human power is sometimes not enough (i.e. steep hills, lack of low gearing, etc.) Furthermore, climbing hills makes you sweaty and puffy, so sometimes cycling is unsuitable for business meetings, public events, etc. Thanks to electrical assistance, I now cycle more than ever, I enjoy routes that would normally be too much of a challenge for my legs, and because I can carry more weight, I use the car less. Happy cycling ! :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 31, 2009
I don't drive, and so have always cycled and used public transport. Due to the physical nature of my job, I found that, after leaving London, the 25mile round trip to work was too much of an energy drain, to the point where it was impeding my performance at work and getting in the way of my homelife. The e-bike therefore came as an absolute godsend, making my journeys a pleasure again rather than a chore.

Jim Taverner

Finding my (electric) wheels
Aug 9, 2008
Now aged 70, I was a keen cyclist in my teens and again 1970's as my children started riding. Took several foriegn cycling holidays with the family. Heart attack and mobility problems stemming from infant polio brought about a serious decline in fitness and muscle strength. I have researched electric bikes for about 2 years and have ordered a Wisper 806fe folder to hopefully regain some fitness following an operation to my pelvic in January. I can't remember ever being so excited about an aquisition (how sad):).


Dec 3, 2009
I lost my leg below the knee in 1995 but carried on cycling in order to keep fit. I always struggled on the hills and E bikes back then where very heavy and not really designed to be pedalled IMO. As time moved on I became interested in Cytronex and a bike that I could pedal and get a decent amount of exercise from but have a little help on the hills. I feel the battery makes up for the power I have lost by not having the full compliment of limbs:D


Jan 13, 2010
Slightly different reasons for me.

I'm an avid mountain biker, and have a good level of fitness already, however for me a lot of the fun is the downhill sections of the trail.

Generally, a typical ride will be 50% up, 50% down in distance, but 95% up, 5% down in time. I wanted to change this so that I could go faster on the ups, allowing me to do much longer routes with more downhill fun!

My Crystalyte kit arrived yesterday, and I've booked tomorrow off work to get it all running for the weekend! :D

I would also like to cycle to work, which I used to do but my workplace has relocated an additional 10 miles away (now 15). I can do it, but don't want to get all sweaty before I sit at my desk!

If the e-mountainbike is a success, I'll get another kit for my road bike (minus battery - both bikes will share one).


Sep 7, 2007
e-bike choice

Reason for e-bike pure and simple with me medical reasons plus a love of the open air:) :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 2, 2008
My reason was the cost of bus travel and minor fitness issues. My e-bike easily paid for itself in the first year. Also i don't drive and the expense of learning and owning a car seems, for now, to be out of my ball park. The only down side to an e-bike is the cost of replacing the battery, and then sourcing this.

I would also consider an e-moped if i had the space to park and maintain one. Flat dweller. That said, above 15 mph, those critters also require insurance and moped tests etc...

If the legal speed for an e-bike were raised to 20 mph, it would really be the best of both worlds. For one thing, you wouldn't get over taken by regular cyclists. :)
