What a good feeling...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 18, 2016
Managed to get wet on the way in - it was dry as I left but the heavens opened within seconds! Put on waterproofs for the return as it was pouring - and not a drop fell after I got on my bike. Heigh-ho.

I feel better for it.
The weather gods a good at that.
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Deleted member 22539

Further to my last comment above, my waist is actually smaller than it was at the turn of the year. Despite no real attempt to reduce consumption.
So your the skinny guy I see cycling around :)
  • :D
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Oct 20, 2017
Nice story :)

have to echo OP comments, I used to be a bit of a racing snake but 20 years of desk work, too many pies and raising kids had taken its toll. My commute was 6 miles, up to 90 mins by bus or impossible to park by car so I took to cycling and it nearly killed me every time I came home (only 300m of climbing, but steep and sweaty). My ebike has made me way fitter and my commute so much fun

Couple of thoughts
Cycle Streets was really useful for me in finding cycle friendly routes, my run home usually goes through a huge graveyard now, and its lovely
PlanextX do really good Crab Gloves and Neoprene overshoes that are ideal for winter and in the sale. Their £30 water proof is decent enough too
I found having my back brake badly adjusted improved my safety - it squeals really badly if I grab a handful, and folks leap out of the way pretty sharpish (usually)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
Now it is coming up to the end of July, and still holding my 'every commute has been by bike' record.

Have become so much more comfortable, I often cycle up the hill that was my biggest fear when I started. It is steep. I do go slowly in highest assist. I do make it without almost dying.

This morning I carefully made space for a lady on a bike at a crossing - we crossed together and she got away ahead. A few yards round the corner I wondered why on earth I was languishing at 11 mph - wound up and went past at almost 20. Not a triumphant feel, more a pleasure in being able to move at a fair lick mostly under my own power. (That was Eco mode.)
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