Week 16 or not, that is the question ?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
1 week to go to week 16. Promised delivery date for the Pro-Connect and i think other Agattu frame sizes.
In another thread 50cycles promised delivery customers of all frame sizes and types by week 16,


Though they has since advised me that week 16 is only the week Derby cycles are making the bikes. So I dont know what to think really.

Is anyone else waiting for a delivery for this batch?
Has anyone else contacted 50 cycles and what were they told by 50 cycles?

It would be nice to have an official post here by 50cycles to clear up this issue if they are reading into the forum.

PS Please lets not have a "whipping Horse" type thread situation against 50 cycles. I've learnt that its get everyone knowhere, FAST.

I just want to know what happening thats all.

Frustrated, though friendly

Last edited:


Im going to 50c today to collect my Torq so i'll get it from the horses mouth! will post back tonight.



Apparently everything is still on target for week 16 production so fingers crossed for delivery before the end of April.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
Bob- I, and others were mucked about for a while on the Agattu diamond. The reality is you'll get to the brink of cancelling but you should hang in there- it's not worth switching horses now and at least we know now that the bikes get here in the end. Sorry , thats probably much too complacent for you at the moment;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2006
Our contact at Kalkhoff has just informed us that "Production data of the Pro Connect = end of April"

Which would mean at least one week's delay, possibly two weeks if he means week commencing 28 April. So, definitely not week 16 now, we're sorry to report.


Jan 10, 2008
dahons often change season to season and whilst i have not followed it closely enough to know how true delivery estimates have turned out to be alot of internet suppliers do flag up that stock wont arrive until june in some cases. the problem here as we have acknowledged before has been the raised expectation of earlier delivery at point of order.
something else i have noticed with bikes from europe is that once the season supply has gone (sept-oct or so) it has gone until the new stock comes on stream a few weeks later.

whilst frustrating it remains beyond dispute that when the product is finally on your driveway you will have a good product from all accounts of forum members to date.


Jan 31, 2008
High in the Northern Pennines

Our contact at Kalkhoff has just informed us that "Production data of the Pro Connect = end of April"

Which would mean at least one week's delay, possibly two weeks if he means week commencing 28 April. So, definitely not week 16 now, we're sorry to report.
So that is that model. What about the others? My own concern is the 45cm step through for which I was led to believe manfg date was 30 March. I have seen or read nothing to the contrary on this forum. Can you not update us all who are waiting?


Jan 10, 2008
see how selling imaginary bikes can get you in a whole heap of.......


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 24, 2007
It would be nice to see 50 cycles offer a 20% discount or something, as a gesture of goodwill to those awaiting delivery,it may influence future customers reading these posts to purchase from them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 26, 2007
West Hampstead, NW London
It would be nice to see 50 cycles offer a 20% discount or something, as a gesture of goodwill to those awaiting delivery,it may influence future customers reading these posts to purchase from them.
2 chances of thar- slim and fat which is odd if you think about it:D

More seriously this is the same sorry tale again. But 50C are not to blame, save that they're too ready to pass on Derby's messages without vqualifying them. Our experience is you'll get the bike in the end but don't count the days until it's actually at 50C in Loughborough.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
I carnt agree. This is again a reflection on how 50cycles does its business with its customers. Not about supply.
Its their tone and lack of remorse. I thinks they seem grandious.
I think companies and manufacturer's and also the middle men should be a litte more in sink and not make promises they cannot keep?
Do they not all talk to each other? Forcasting, demand, can they meet the demand? Nah, they are thinking of the money they may make on all sides and It seems to happen too much nowadays and everyone passes the buck :(
I hope you all get your bike's very soon and by the sound of it, it will be worth waiting for :) But hey, not too long eh?
Kindest Regards to all that wait, fingers crossed :)
Sep 24, 2007
its 33 hours since I initially started this thread and would have hoped that 50 cycles may have posted some sort of a thread to re-assure its backorder customers that its original post to promise its delivery in week 16 still held water.

I think their silence speaks volumes.

Frustrated and fedup.

I did warn you ages ago..... nobody seemed to believe me at the time..


I’m getting very annoyed :mad: about these anti 50cycles threads. Most of the things that happened are out of control of 50cycles. People need to realize that the e-bike technology is still very young and that you are a pioneer.
This is definition of a pioneer:
• lead the way
• break new ground
• …

If you don’t want to be a pioneer then wait a few years until this technology is ready and don’t complain about week 16, 17, 18 , 19 …

Kind regards,
A very happy e-bike pioneer :)


Oct 25, 2006
I’m getting very annoyed :mad:
Well said Joab, so am I.

In fact I'm right on the edge of deciding to leave this forum, such is the idiocy of these postings.

50cycles aren't the manufacturer of the eZee batteries, they don't control Derby Cycles production or their announcements on production scheduling, they are criticised for hedging about deliveries, but attacked when they give a straight answer instead.

There was a time when Britons were famed for two characteristics, fair play and not kicking a man when he's down.

It seems that's no longer the case.


Feb 28, 2007
Cheshire, WA4
...In fact I'm right on the edge of deciding to leave this forum, such is the idiocy of these postings...
I for one would be very sorry to see you leave, Flecc. The quality of the information that you make available to the rest of us here is invaluable.

I will not put my head above the parapet on the current flame wars raging, although I am also waiting for my new Agattu. However, there is a lot of wasted energy going into some postings, and to no very good effect (IMHO). People with legitimate issues would be much better directed to addressing these in private with the relevant parties than airing them here?


What ever happens Flecc, don't do that:eek: There won't be a forum without you:(

The rest,

As for the week numbers, it is only week 15, so can people just calm down until the end of next week at least. I can understand your impatience and excitement, but get real, we are talking bikes, not life and death:rolleyes:
