Warranty And Guarantees, Are They Worth The Paper They Are Not Written On?

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How 50cycles run their website is their business until such time as it's delegated to someone else. If they take no notice of someones advice of an error, that's their choice and it's the end of the matter.

Informing members of this is one thing, doing it repeatedly and running a continuous hate campaign is quite another.

This whole thread started about the warranty relating to the Kalkhoff's battery, but after a response of mine on that, I was told it was about the eZee battery!!!

So was the thread just another thinly disguised attack? I'm justified in wondering.

If you all really want to destroy this forum, you're certainly going the right way about it.

If I don't like what I see on someone's website, I buy elsewhere, I don't try to appoint myself an official of that company and attempt to run it. At most I might advise them of the observed problem, then I move on, leaving it at that, knowing that how they run their business is nothing to do with me.
Let me put the record straight. I did not start this thread as a “hate campaign” against 50cycles! My issue was the lack of individual warranty certificates, cards, call them what you like for the Kalkhoff Agattu and any other electric bicycle. I am sure I am not the only one who has concerns about this.
My mention of Ezee batteries was a side issue which people picked up on making their own comments and I make no apology for that. There have been problems have there not?
If anyone wishes to comment or complain about unfair comments they are perfectly entitled to do so, whether that be consumer or trader.
We all have the right to reply, and that in my opinion is how it should be in a free society.
50cycles have gone someway towards dealing with this issue by adding the Kalkhoff to their terms and conditions page, no doubt as a result of this thread.
I fail to understand why this or similar threads could destroy the forum?
If 50cycles is one of the good guys, who are the bad ones? I think everyone has a right to know!

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Oct 25, 2006
You have two critical threads against 50cycles currently John.

I shouldn't have to tell you who the bad ones are, the postings about them have been in here, but those who make a sport of attacking 50cycles have nothing to say about them.

Of course you can post on any subject, but where is the support for this thread? If you know of 50cycles failing to honour a warranty, it's something to complain of, but at the moment it's purely hypothetical and about documentation. As you've seen, such is the mischief it's caused that it's been extended into batteries, the way the company maintains it's website, and even extended into personal references to a director's education.

As for damage to the forum, how do you think websites ultimately survive?

It's on advertising, and seeing how a company can be treated in here isn't going to attract any supplier to advertise, support the site and risk the same, they'd probably rather it died.

There's also the irritation that individuals feel at these constant and sometimes tediously repetitive attacks, for that's what they are, my protest being a clear indication of that annoyance. I doubt if I'm the only one who feels this way.


You know as well as I do that there is no perfect trading company, just as there is no perfect electric bicycle, if there was, you would have no reason to spend time and effort trying and improve them.
There is always room for improvement and if people did not suggest improvements, voice criticism and air their views freely then the vast majority would assume everything was perfect when it isn't.

If the forum is controlled solely by advertisers funding and has a vested intrest in keeping them happy by allowing nothing but plaudits to be published, then the sooner it dies the better.
I know for a fact I am not the only one who feels like this by a long way. I have had PMs from members who have been asked to "tone it down" so that there claims are not jepordised. What next, censorship and the 'Thought Police'?

That is all I have to say on this subject, there is more to life than electric bicycles after all.
No doubt you will have the last word Flecc.

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Staff member
Aug 17, 2006
Hi All,

I have really tried to avoid getting involved in this thread and a few others as I feel it is very important that users of the website have the ability to communicate about their personal experiences - and those points have now been made. However, this has extended far past this and is heading towards becoming libelous. As publisher of this forum, I am responsible for its content so ask that all posters, including those already PM'd, respect this.

For this reason I am locking this thread.

If the forum is controlled solely by advertisers funding and has a vested intrest in keeping them happy by allowing nothing but plaudits to be published, then the sooner it dies the better.
Just for the record, while this site is partly funded by advertisers I have invested a lot of my own time and money in building this information resource for the benefit of others.
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