Where the buck stops.
Ambiguous Warranty:
Quote: Ian – 27th December 2007:
”I personally don't believe there is any deliberate intention to deceive and like most members of this forum do understand the various warranties, but I do feel that 50cycles (and others) should tidy up their site and business stationary on important contractual matters.”
I raised this subject many, many months ago on this Forum and in direct communication with 50Cycles and received scant attention of my efforts. I am embarrassed that my repetitiousness may be boring the readers. What should one do if one is ignored?
The particular action that I proposed was that 50Cycles should take responsibility for what they posted on their website. There were so many errors, ambiguities and obfuscations over many months that one could be forgiven if one received the impression that 50Cycles deliberately intended to deceive either by mis-stating a matter of fact or by clouding the issue”.
They do not react to corrective advice: in fact, as often as not, they ignore the matter even when brought directly to their attention. Does 50Cycles find it abhorrent to take advice? Or does this distract them from running the business?
Quote: 50Cycles “Integrity” 3/8/07
Hope this answers a lot of the questions over the last 24 hours and hope that I can get on with the day to day running of our business now, without having to spend my time defending the constant skepticism of our quality and integrity.
Well, they are still having to defend their quality and integrity against ‘constant scepticism’ because they make no corrections and if they continue not to do so their integrity is bound to be questioned.
When I bought two cycles from them in May 2006 (delivered July 2006) the detail of the Guarantee (as it was clearly stated to be in that ‘one liner’: “Guarantee: 1 years free parts and repairs”) was vague, to say the least. My efforts to obtain clarification were first ignored, but when I pressed I got the reply “You send the bike to us, we repair it and return it to you”. Subsequently, when I requested that the guarantee should be in writing, they replied: “The Guarantee is at the point of sale”. Baffling or what?
My relationship with 50Cycles seemed to me to be built on ‘shifting sand’.
One could be forgiven for believing that there was an attempt to deceive or deliberately cloud the issue. If there is NOT that intention, why, after all I have brought (has been brought) to their attention, is there still no clarification, by way of separation, that the Warranty for the Lithium Battery is for “6 months only” clearly stated on the cycle’s Specification where the battery is referred to, or perhaps, better still, directly beneath the “One years free parts and repairs”. It would be good forward thinking if that “one liner” had a link that would take the reader directly to the all embracing, detailed terms of the warranties, neatly set out in easily understood, unambiguous English. Readers familiar with 50Cycles website and electric cycle ownership may no longer be puzzled but new arrivals, researching electric bikes for the first time, would be ‘ambushed’ by the 6 month warranty if/when they came to make a claim if the battery failed after 6 months but within one year.
I had occasion to visit Loughborough and spoke of the “Guarantee”. Scott deliberately ‘corrected’ me saying: “It’s Warranty NOT Guarantee”. It just so happened that I had a print-out of a specification taken from their website 28th April 2007. I showed him precisely where it said “GUARANTEE”. He stared at it for about one minute (at least) and made absolutely no comment. It was very embarrassing. Now, how does one interpret that non-response? It was not corrected until much later when the arguments over the Chopper I had bought became much more ‘heated’. He invited me to ‘tell’ him where this “typo” (it’s what he called it) was on the website. In fact it was in three of the cycles’ specifications. Can he have forgotten so readily what had passed between us before?
Both the Directors are educated persons: Tim Snaith is, we have specifically been made aware, a University graduate. Surely it is not beyond their combined intellect, if their intentions are to trade honestly and transparently, to make these matters crystal clear.
I apologize if anyone finds this offensive or heavy handed but it has been going on long enough and little or no progress has been made to put it right unless, of course, it does not suit the Directors' modus operandi to do so.