Wait, Wait, Wait


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 13, 2007
West of Scotland
Definitely safer Tony

I recently fell off my xtracycle crossbar framed bike while trying to bump onto a pavement at too acute an angle. (front wheel skipped away) I'm sure I'd have been able to stay on my feet had I been on a step-through rather than ending up sprawled on the ground surounded by my spilled groceries.

Luckily no damage done and some kind passer-by helped me pick up my shopping - was really enbarrassing though. :eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 6, 2007
Definitely safer Tony

I recently fell off my xtracycle crossbar framed bike while trying to bump onto a pavement at too acute an angle. (front wheel skipped away) I'm sure I'd have been able to stay on my feet had I been on a step-through rather than ending up sprawled on the ground surounded by my spilled groceries.

Luckily no damage done and some kind passer-by helped me pick up my shopping - was really enbarrassing though. :eek:
Kerbs can be a real menace. I push up them nowadays!

Years ago I lived in a town that had rail tracks along a route I had to take. I've never known anything so lethal for bikes as these. They were the very devil, and the number of times I came off, even when trying to take care is past belief!


Looks like week 16 might end up being week 17 after all.
What do you mean???? I spoke to the good folk at 50 cycles today and they said all is well and on target.

p.s. my Torq is fixed:D its had a front wheel re-build. I dont think I can get over to collect it till next friday though!!


I'm not bothered whether my bike arrives week 16 or 17. I am just glad to hear they are being manufactured, there are now photos and some vertically challenged people have received their 49cm frame bikes;)
If that sentence was offensive to small people, then grow up:p

As for the proper MAN's or GIRLY bike debate (diamond frame v stepthru), I have started a new thread. This one is getting rather confusing.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Well I was told by 50cycles, when I asked about week 16 delivery, that week 16 was the week derby was making the bikes and not really the delivery week they may get the bike.

jumpers for goalposts I think.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Well I was told by 50cycles, when I asked about week 16 delivery, that week 16 was the week derby was making the bikes and not really the delivery week they may get the bike.

jumpers for goalposts I think.

i should of asked this ages ago as this thread along with others on this subject may be around a while longer.......
"week 16 was the week derby was making the bikes"............ are they made in derby ?...i thought they was german :confused: ....if they are making them on week 16 what are they doing in the 15 weeks befor ? taking bets on who next is gonna go banana's and spit out their dummy when thay can take it no more...lol...seriously though i am on your side with my sympathies...:)


I always get dubious when someone changes a perfectly good measure of time like a calendar and starts using there own time frame. I wonder how many earth days are in a 50 cycles week :D I'm sure its not done to confuse would be buyers;) The website says April in fairness so I expect my bike before May starts ish, maybe, possibly, potentially, almost certainly, 99% :)

As I said earlier Lloyd says everything is on track for April so i'm cool about it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
I always get dubious when someone changes a perfectly good measure of time like a calendar and starts using there own time frame. I wonder how many earth days are in a 50 cycles week :D I'm sure its not done to confuse would be buyers;) The website says April in fairness so I expect my bike before May starts ish, maybe, possibly, potentially, almost certainly, 99% :)

As I said earlier Lloyd says everything is on track for April so i'm cool about it.
Me too Paul, but with the good weather it makes you want it even more.
PS the new shop for 50cycle was ready to occupy on 1st April, so they may be in the new shop by the time you pickup you Torq.


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
To be fair to 5OCycles: they told me that the bikes had been rescheduled for production in Week 16 by Derby Cycles, right from the start. I did communicate this information on the forum. However I have noticed that as time has passed the expectation that seems to have grown up on the forum is that the bikes would be delivered in week 16. I have never had this expectation - obviously the bikes have got to be shipped from Germany, and it is quite possible that they might not be produced until the last day in week 16.

Obviously if 50Cycles have told you that the bikes would be delivered in week 16 you have every right to be annoyed - but I have never been told this.


Feb 19, 2008
S.W. Herts
Fair enough - that is pretty unambiguous. I stand corrected - but it is different to what they told me when I contacted them via their web chat facility.

At least we know that the Agattus did turn up when they were supposed to -fingers crossed.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 13, 2008
Fair enough - that is pretty unambiguous. I stand corrected - but it is different to what they told me when I contacted them via their web chat facility.

At least we know that the Agattus did turn up when they were supposed to -fingers crossed.

Yep Larkspur, thats just what they told me via the chat thingy yesterday.
I suppose we'll find out soon enough !


can we start translating these week numbers into standard earth measures like dates:confused:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
I hope we can all sit back and laugh about this one day I hope.

PS. Seeing the funny side of it again guys.[/QUOTE]


just think if you had got it a month ago, it would have scratch's on it, maybe a punctured tyre, a broken mirror, a slashed seat,you might have been going so fast a car had not judged things and you ran into it and buckled the wheel, or the bell stopped "pinging",and at a month old the depreciation would be at least £150..............................so just think how lucky you are you have not got your bike and when it comes it will be brand spanking new without all these "possible" niggles which you might have got if you had got your bike a month ago. so technically you could thank 50 cycles ..:D ........

PS. its so good you seeing the funny side of it again...;)


Oct 25, 2006
The one good side I see is the weather, starting with a new bike after the April showers and with a better chance of sunshine and warmth. That will make the enjoyment all the greater.