Just found a small mirror for pointing the camera at to get a flipped image on the screen, the pocket tv isn't to be used as a tv but a monitor for the camera as it has AV input - giving me an electronic rear-view mirror. One thing I'm concerned about is the brightness of the screen in daylight, might be completely washed out.
The LEDs won't drain much power from the battery, maybe 500mAh at most, certainly not enough to drastically affect ride times (the hills already do a good job of that!), though if I were using a row of Luxeon Star LEDs or halogen lights I might start getting worried about battery drain
The LEDs won't drain much power from the battery, maybe 500mAh at most, certainly not enough to drastically affect ride times (the hills already do a good job of that!), though if I were using a row of Luxeon Star LEDs or halogen lights I might start getting worried about battery drain
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