One thing that is missing from this form of contact is body language so I think it is good practice to imagine you are face to face with the other person and how you would speak to them!
Although that's generally true Russ, and I prefer to respond in friendly and humourous ways, there's the fact that reasonable people respond to reasonable treatment, but unreasonable people don't.
The sort I'm speaking of don't respond.
My earliest example in this forum who I mentioned before as targeting me with more then half his posts is an example. As it was the first time it happened in this forum, I responded politely and patiently to each and every occasion of sniping and criticism, but as usual it was taken as a sign of weakness and that type of posting continued for a long time.
Eventually I wasn't going to put up with it any more, and it was then that I very publicly and aggressively bit his head off and he finally moderated his behaviour.
I believe that when someone is very clearly and unmistakably coming in behaving in this way that it's best nipped in the bud rather than allowed to develop and poison more.
The last person who prompted this thread was not only clearly targeting me with sniping on three subjects in two simultaneous threads. Seeing the nature of his approach, I checked his very few postings since recently joining before I responded and could see that they were mainly combative and sometimes with an aggressive edge. It was clear to me that only one kind of response was suitable, a firm one.