Two boys die in "ebike" accident: Cardiff riot broke out after 'police prevented parents seeing fatal crash victims', close relative says


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
If I remember rightly, after their initial mistake, the police accepted that they did follow the boys but denied chasing them. In fact, they were unaware where the boys were when the accident happened. It seems to me that they had given up following the boys by then. The aunt of one of the boys promised a fight for justice for the boys. I wonder if she is doing the right thing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
What are we betting that the van we saw closely tailing them in the CCTV, was the same van that just happened upon the accident.


Oct 25, 2006
What are we betting that the van we saw closely tailing them in the CCTV, was the same van that just happened upon the accident.
No bet, the police said it was the one that responded to the accident radio calls and was the first police vehicle on the scene.


May 13, 2020
Of course the only people who know if the van was chasing are the officers concerned. The cctv clips are open to different interpretations, the early clip where the van is close behind may have been a few seconds after the bike turned around after meeting the police van. A later clip shows the van at a much greater distance behind which may be construed as "following at a safe distance" while trying to maintain visual contact.

The Silverfox

Oct 13, 2021
Cardiff, UK
The law states they cannot continue to chase the riders for fear of it ending up in an accident, a lidless rider being more prone to serious injury due to the lack of lid.
As to the police being on a different road, that is far from unusual as the police know the area, and may drive parallel or use the road system thus to 'head off' a driver or whomever. We see that all the time ien police chases. They dont all drive down the same road, some go this way, or whatever because they know the road system and try to use it to their advantage.

As it appears here the police, knowing the road was blocked to their large vehicle but not the bike further on, took it upon themselves to use the road to circumvent the bollards further down. Had there been no accident, the police van would have resumed the chase further down the road.
The fact they came upon the accident only a minute or so after it happened shows that they were heading for where the bike would be once it had passed the bollards.

the police drivers actions were to put himself(van) on a course that would allow them to intercept the bike. Thats the truth of it. Claiming they weren't on the same road doesn't detract from the point they were in fact still chasing them.
The police actions was they unable to continue on, he first turned left, and what would follow would be a right turn to bring him back behind the riders. The reason for their actions is pretty much a logical path.

This is why so many are critical of the police because they can see what they were doing and the reasons for them doing it.
First claiming they weren't chasing the rider, but quickly adapted that statement once the CCTV footage came out showing them doing just that.
All pure conjecture on your part. You don’t know what the police intended to do any more than I do.

When does following become chasing? I had a police car behind me this morning, was he following me or chasing?

The only fact I know is if they had just pulled over instead of riding dangerously, or more importantly, the parents hadn’t bought the bike and allowed him to ride it on a public road, two up without a helmet, the crash wouldn’t have happened.

As seems to be typical nowadays, people won’t take responsibility and try to blame it on somebody else.

A similar thing happened just a few weeks ago just down the road from me in Cardiff where 3 people died in a car crash and lay undiscovered along with two others for over 48 hours. All the blame is pointed at the police for not searching and finding them and nobody seems to be mentioning the driver who crashed the car in the first place.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
What are we betting that the van we saw closely tailing them in the CCTV, was the same van that just happened upon the accident.
They weren't tailing the boys. The boys were riding towards the police van, which was travelling in the opposite direction towards them. The boys then did a 180 and sped away back in the direction they had come from, so the video that shows the police immediately behind them is misleading. They were only close behind them immediately after the boys turned around in front of them. The police didn't follow the boys. They took an immediate left turn and went in a different direction, so there was no chase.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 6, 2017
Well, when the van's dashcam and bodycam footage is released everyone will be able to see, won't they?

Allegedly, later six blokes in car got chased off, and car flipped, after trying to intimidate the crowd.

"3 days ago - Kevin Brennan, the Labour MP for Cardiff West, raised the issue of the regulation of electric bikes and scooters in the Commons". Didn't take long to get a dig in eh? Bad taste.

Something sounds off! :confused:



May 13, 2020
Everybody blaming the police for following them. Isn’t that their job? They weren’t behind them when the crash happened, the police had turned down a different road and were half a mile away at the time of the crash.

Ultimately, the parents must take responsibility. They bought the bike for the boy and knew it was illegal to ride on the road and yet they let him, without a helmet. It is that decision that led to this tragedy. I don’t blame the boys one bit, they were let down by the parents.
If these unfortunate lads had hit a small child or elderly person on the path instead of a lamppost then no doubt there would have also been a huge outcry against the police of "why aren't the police doing something about these bikes"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 8, 2020
If these unfortunate lads had hit a small child or elderly person on the path instead of a lamppost then no doubt there would have also been a huge outcry against the police of "why aren't the police doing something about these bikes"
Which didnt happen and you can come up with any number of analogies none of which actually happened.

No bet, the police said it was the one that responded to the accident radio calls and was the first police vehicle on the scene.
So it was the same van as seen speeding after the kids in the cctv.
They weren't tailing the boys.
Have you watched the vids ? especially the home owners cctv. Clearly they were.
Cops statement was " We werent chasing them" which after the CCTV aired became "we were following them, but we werent in the same road as the accident"
Its the chronology of the police statements are so similar to the chronology of Boris Johnsons statements about breaking lock down rules

1 - "There were no parties" which after evidence became 2 - "There were parties but I didn't know about them" which after evidence became 3 - " "There were parities and I did know about them, but I didn't go to them" which after evidence became 4 - "There were parties and I did know about them and was at them, but I didn't realize they were parties" which in itself became 5 - "It's a fair cop guv,I'll pay the fine.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Some good points above, to me it seems obvious that the cops changed their story so many times they've lost credibility (if they ever had any), so the evidence will need stitched together to get the real story.

The boys were on bike, spotted cops knowing bike wasn't legal, did U turn, cops spotted them and followed. Some sort of pursuit then followed as evidenced by at least two of the video clips circulating, in one they are aggressively following the bike at speed closely behind - this is fact and demonstrates that at this point the cops were in hot pursuit of the bike shortly before the crash.

The boys know the area so go up a road that will block the cop van, cops know the their local beat so take action to mitigate planning to catch boys further up the road using parallel streets, again all evidenced on video.

Boys continue to panic, make an error and crash, cops catch up with them shortly after crash knowing where they we would be heading as they were pursuing them.

Boys were running as they were being pursued and knew it, that makes the cops culpable in my book.

If they had let the boys get away as they are supposed to with no helmets then crash probably wouldn't have happened as it did.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
so the video that shows the police immediately behind them is misleading. They were only close behind them immediately after the boys turned around in front of them.
Seems that way.

The intial, short, video that was posted on the Internet, that appears to have caused the riot was missleading (by accident ?) maybe that was the point.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
Seems that way.

The intial, short, video that was posted on the Internet, that appears to have caused the riot was missleading (by accident ?) maybe that was the point.
Not in this clip, tell me the cops aren't doing 30mph right behind the boys...shortly before the crash? And that isn't active pursuit with two kids and no helmets?



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
plod was going as fast as the bike just count the frames in slow mo from the lamp post both in 3 sec.

id not be surprised if they was going 40-50mph but those bikes can accelerate so fast plod had no chance unless they stayed close as would drop them going round corners same as my m8s bafang hd nukes me 50m from a dead start.

plod wanted that bike and wanted to teach them a lesson and have it destroyed and put in the local rag to make them look good and fooked it all up.

im sure they knew where they lived so finding the bike should not have been a problem.

big heavy fast motor bikes dont go very far doing those speeds and the batts cost a fortune as well as the first bike i looked at getting was a stealth bomber and rolling round on that is just asking for it.

even ppl on here that have bought those stupid electric mopeds with peddles and ride them in the bike lanes get pulled over :rolleyes:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2022
plod wanted that bike and wanted to teach them a lesson and have it destroyed and put in the local rag to make them look good and fooked it all up.

im sure they knew where they lived so finding the bike should not have been a problem.
That's how it currently looks, cops egos got in way and wanted to prove a point with fatal consequences...familiar story...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 2, 2009
I wouldn't do this on my petrol moped so why he thinks it is fine to do so on a faster electric bike shows the issue with these bikes.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I wouldn't do this on my petrol moped so why he thinks it is fine to do so on a faster electric bike shows the issue with these bikes.
They all try to persuade themselves that definition of an ebike is a grey area and they are not really breaking any law.
I am looking forward to the conclusion of the independent police complaints report.