Triplewax for your bike?!


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 31, 2008
Im going to give my bike a good clean today, have some Triplewax cleaning stuff with wax in. Is it advisasble to use this as long as I keep it away from chains and cogs and stuff or shall i just stick with good old soapy washing up liquid and water!?


Oct 25, 2006
It's good for bikes and motorbikes as well, preserves and does no harm.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
lets get mucky...

Im going to give my bike a good clean today, have some Triplewax cleaning stuff with wax in. Is it advisasble to use this as long as I keep it away from chains and cogs and stuff or shall i just stick with good old soapy washing up liquid and water!?
personally i'd avoid the triplewax stuf, wouldn't want wax near my brakes, i've always found soapy water does the job, make sure sure electrical bits are protected,

and always use Fairy Green Liquid.... goes 50% further you know, and hands that do dishes....blah blah blah.


Oct 25, 2006
Interesting thought Beeps. What I use depends on where I do the wash. By my home it's washing up liquid, by the garage it's Triplewax, and I've never suffered any braking problems with that. Good shine on the paintwork though, but I suspect the application film is so thin that one brake application takes it straight off on contact.

P.S. I should add that the garage is at the top of a very steep hill and I'm still here in one piece. :D


Jan 2, 2008
Poole, BH16
I've been using the same stuff to clean my Windsor as I used to clean my Ninja. I always thought you shouldn't use fairy liquid because it supposedly damages rubber and contains salt to cut through grease? I use car shampoo instead.

The best polish I've found is Muc-off Miracle Shine. It gives a fantastic finish. A tin is expensive, but it lasts for ages and it's really easy to apply and buff. I don't polish the wheels though - I don't know what effect it would have on braking, but it I can't see it being a positive one!

Autosol is the best metal polish for alloy, chrome and anything rusty.

If you're really keen, finish with vienna lime powder after the autosol.