Ah the good old cycling proficency test (think ive still got my badge somewhere).That's true I guess.. probably primarily because we don't have to sit any test to cycle on the roads.. and many who have never driven a car are just completely ignorant to road safety and the Highway Code.
When I was a boy that safe cycling used to be actively encouraged and we had the cycle safety test done inconjunction with our schools (and at weekends for everyone, via local community centres) that would teach you the Highway Code with a proper instructor who taught you how to cycle properly on the roads..there was a test at the end and you got a little pass certificate. I've never forgot what I learned there and always follow it.
As for Highway code most drivers are pretty ignorant of it as well (99% of them have probably never even looked at it since passing test). For example was on a course with about 20 of us (all drivers various ages and experience) and we were asked a few question about road signs,rules of road etc. after doing this we were told we had without knowing it taken part of the driving license theory test. Have a guess how many passed it ?
Me and I only just scraped it by a single point. The majority there struggled to get more than 25% right.
To be honest it was scary to realise.
when was the last time YOU read it ?
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