Tongxin Motor Supply


Just Joined
Apr 12, 2015
Motors well packed. The motor also seem to be more tight in terms of when you shake them they don't rattle like my older ones do even when they were new ? Maybe I will take the lid off and have a look inside to see if the design has changed.

Motor with nice neat waterproof connectors and notice the QC gold holographic quality control stickers. Not sure if that counts for anything but looks more professional lol

Finally the new controller (shown bottom), again notice the new QC sticker. Compared to the other ones I got before (shown top) these are much smaller (about 1/2 the size), much more like the original ones that came with the Tongxins several years ago. I will do another post on the controller.


Hello Jerry I bought on of these motors with controller but not clear of the controller connections do you have or can you direct me to a wiring diagram
Mike C