Tiniest soldering job so far/Adventures in solderspace


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021
My goto solder for 'tiny' soldering jobs is 0.25mm. Its good for fine SMT stuff when you dont want the polava of using paste.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021

For the orginally posted repair, I used plumber's flux by mistake, which is why there's so much crud. I have the acid-free flux linked below, which I will use if I can't repair the meeces using leaded multicored, if solder doesn't flow well enough using my cheapo ebay soldering iron. This flux works wonderfully when soldering cables, and audio connectors.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
For soldering something like that, two rules:
1. Don't use lead-free solder.
2. Use separate flux, not just solder with a flux core.

Temperature doesn't make much difference, neither does the quality of the iron. With flux, as soon as the solder melts, it'll flow to the right place and make a beautiful joint by majic.

For soldering wires and things like that, flux cored solder is fine, though additional flux will never make it worse. Repairs nearly always need flux.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
With flux, as soon as the solder melts, it'll flow to the right place and make a beautiful joint by majic.
that's especially true with SMD connectors. I had to resolder a Micro USB connector once.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 9, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
that stuff leaves a right mess on pcb work tho

it does not take much to melt those micro switches :rolleyes:
That flux is the bees knees for soldering SMT stuff.
Sold! Ordered a bottle.

Also very good indeed when used with solder wick for de-soldering stuff.
Bought last year but haven't used solder wick yet, might in a few days when liquid flux arrives.

I have some flux like that, dont use it much though, I get decent joints with just cored solder.
My initial horrible failures were due to setting too high a temperature on the soldering iron. At a low temp, my ebay cheapo doesn't instantly evaporate flux before it has a chance to break surface tension of solder.

it does not take much to melt those micro switches :rolleyes:
Like the SAS, rapid ingress and egress before meltdown of everything is the best course of action... but that's overdramatising things...

I'll do my best to do it fast at 350 degrees C, the cheapo ebay soldering iron's lowest temperature. I also have a really old cooler soldering iron, but it's tip looks too large for this job.

Is useful when joining wires if there are not too clean.
A good clean with isopropyl beforehand, seems to help too.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Risking never being offered a job soldering Oracs at @StuartsProjects satellite factory, I did it without flux like he does... Desoldered ok with the pump:


Cheery switch soldered on. The satellite factory job dealbreaker:


I stopped trying to get this looking nice, because it all was getting too hot for my SAS spidey senses. IT LIVES!!! MUWAHAHAHAH! AND THEY SAID I WAS MAD!! MAAAAD!!! :)

As various other people have mentioned, the Cherry switch is a little stiffer, requires more force to click, but that's a small price to pay for over a million (alleged) clicks. No more unintentional and potentially catastrophic double clicks for me! I'll wait for liquid flux to arrive, before replacing the other faulty (middle click is also double-clicking) switch on this mouse, or I could relocate the unused switch on the other side. Then I'll reanimate a couple of old Logitech M570 meeces.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
you just need to flux the solder joints and just tap them again with the iron as that just looks crap as the solder never flowed it should be nice and silver and smooth.

1st one one the right looks ok tho 2,3 not so much ;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Next time, I'll solder one pin and wait for things to cool down, then do another etc. instead of rushing doing all three in quick succession. I could desolder and resolder that switch, but it works so I'll leave it unless it exhibits problems, probably.

I wish Logitech would stop using these rubbish short-lived Omron microswitches. A Omoron-ic choice.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Of course I couldn't wait! :D I soldered the middle click switch, which also looks a rather ugly soldering job but works great! :) No double inadvertent clicking from that button anymore either! Now I can get a refund for the secondhand Logitech Marble I had bought in desperation from Webuy.com, which also has a glitchy switch. Sadly these meeces can't be bought new anymore. I've got one Cherry microswitch left, I'll order 9 more (hopefully genuine) Cherry switches from China - I've depleted UK stock on ebay UK. There's no rush to repair the other meeces, I can wait for lower priced delivery from China. Job's a good 'un, I'm pleased as Punch. This mouse is immortal! IMMORTAL! MUWAHAHAHAHA!!!!
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Sep 7, 2016
Uh oh... and I was so hoping to get a job at your satellite factory soldering Oracs! Yes it's a horrible mess and I'm shocked it works, though this may well be temporary. I spent longest doing and redoing the one on the left.

The difference between leaded and lead-free is pretty huge. Using plumbers flux helps a bit.

I used this from my local hardware shop. I'll have another go using proper Weller leaded, open windows for ventilation elc.

View attachment 52605


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
