Your controller is 13A max. The 28.0 is meant to be the cut-off voltage, but it's just a bad translation.
You can use any controller up to about 18A. The Con63 is the S06S that BMSBattery sell. That's not a bad price with the LCD, but the shipping will take it up to about £60 (guess). You get more choice of LCDs at BMSB, but at a a cost.
Be aware that sometimes you can't connect colour to colour on the motor hall and phase wires, so you have to experiment to find the right combination. If your motor clicks, stutters, vibrates or spins at 80 mph, you have to change the combination.
I just ordered three controllers from GBK. It worked out at £31 each including shipping, but I may get caught for duty., which would add about £5 to each.