Crit time.
Great latest vid, at least we're going somewhere. And its a good length at about 11mins.
But if i were to add anything it would be to say while piano jazz is ok, maybe a bit of commentary, then perhaps a bit of chat also.
Mind what I said earlier about having a plan, or a script. Well the same is here.
You have the route, its A-B so maybe how about as you go a bit of social chit chat. where you are, what this is, the history of that etc etc.
People like to learn something or just like to listen to people talk.
An example of this is Alexei Sayle - Yes that Alexei Sayle. 80's far left revolutionary
But these days its less hate Thatcher*, but the same chit chat. But the style of cycloblog(is that a word) is something i think you could take note of.
Bike rides and podcasts from that guy Alexei.
* Until my dying day. I might even get them to chip into my headstone - Margret Thatcher was a C***