Thats extremely arrogant of you to believe, that I am somehow uninformed because, I disagree with your warped interpretations of Charles interference. I suspect you are attacking the Royal family and using its weakest link to further some Republican cause.
Your earlier postings seemed to indicate that you were not informed on this subject and your reference to innuendo when so much evidence exists also seemed to indicate that. My reply was an appropriate response to that rather than arrogant. Furthermore, you are completely wrong about my motives, I am not in any way concerned about the presence of the royal family in Britain and I made that clear
in this earlier post in this thread.
As further proof of lack of malice, I have never had any problem with Charles' father, the Duke of Edinburgh expressing his opinions strongly and would be happy for his son to do the same. But Charles goes very much further than that. Alistair Campbell has a reputation for bullying, so when he accuses Charles of bullying government, you can be pretty sure he knows what he's talking about.
I've repeatedly made it abundantly clear from the outset that my only issue is with a precedent being established and the access that can give for the abuse of position that Charles is well known for. I will be entirely happy to have him on the throne if he changes these practices, but I'm fairly sure that he won't, given the record. As for the veracity of that record, which you seem to doubt, no other royal in modern times has had such a record, or anything like it, clear proof of the uniqueness of it's incidence now with Charles.
I've no objection to your having an opposing view and am happy to agree to disagree, but it seems to me that you've had another agenda in raising matters irrelevant to my issue. The existence of royalty is not the issue.