$64000 question. Is the Eurodirective a minimum specification and/or a maximum specification for member states. In otherwords is it possible for a member state, say us the UK, to bring in legislation to create a second class of high speed ebikes? I presume that this is posiible if the EU direcective is simply a minimum specification. Or would our parliament not have that authority?
Yes, and we can force them. Germany has introduced a faster class of e-bike with separate regulations, roughly following the Swiss fast bike class example. Under European law, every citizen of the union is entitled to enjoy any benefit that any other citizen of the union legally enjoys.
It follows from that we can also ride those bikes in principle. The problem is that we can only actually do it if we force the government to introduce the parallel legislation to set in place the legal conditions for them, insurance requirements etc. That's the nightmare, we can insist that they do it, but we don't have any authority to set them a timetable, and could only enforce action by turning to Europe for an enforcement order. At my age I don't have enough time for such shenanigans!
And we're back to why we are such cynics and sceptics.

. But, having said that, can 50cycles get their MP to set that in motion so we can enjoy what Germans have, since we are entitled to it. A new $64000 question!
The same situation applies to the BMW C1 scooter. Because of it's built in protections meaning helmets aren't necessary, riders are excused wearing a crash helmet in all European countries except Britain. Why? Because our cussed governments have point blank refused to make the exception in our law. (Another example of why we're cynical and sceptical). Again it could be forced, and there's been a huge amount of protest from the motorcycle trade and customers about this, but none have been brave enough to take the matter to Europe and spend a major part of their life doing that.