Neither did I till I got a smart phone, faster than a computer as always on. Immediately available from your pocket. Great for saving money, price checks/discount codes etc. Map/sat Nav always with you. Torch/camera/calculator/book/TV, the list goes on and on.
Modern screens are probably higher resolution than your computer monitor. You don't have to answer if they ring .
I only use my computer a few times a month now and am frustrated by how slow it is compared to the phone.
I didn't need an e-bike till I got one either, but it has a USB port to charge my phone from LOL
I well understand what a smartphone can do, but I don't need or even have a use for most of those things. I don't need a map/satnav since I have a much better one in my car and don't get lost when I'm walking. I've got far better torches for when I'm out on a wildlife pursuit at night and I really don't want portable TV! As for prices, I'm generally uninterested in discounts since I prefer to buy the best and are not obsessed with cost. All too often one man's discount is another's poor wage. In any case, shopping for something is far superior on a good size hi-res screen.
And my computer is far from slower than a smartphone. Intel 7 3.6 gb processor, tons of RAM, all solid state hard drives and top speed fibre optic connection sees to that. (see below)
If circumstances change and I find a use for a smartphone that's an advantage for me, I'll buy one immediately, but that isn't the case at present.
Internet speed just checked:
Download speed = 84.83 Mb/sec.
Upload speed = 18.2 Mb/sec.