The Best Electric Bike????


Oct 25, 2006
When this thread first started I grinned at a possibility I could see, and it's developing that way.

We could end up with all of them having 10. :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
...Kalhkhoff, sounds like a relative of Boris Karloff. Made by ultra functional utilitarian robots (Germans), ...

PS. I Know it's a naff reason, but I'm not being eintirely serious here........
LOLoud! I think Phil's on to something. I like his reasoning for deducting points - lame names! (Hee hee).

It's something that I've been pondering too - How come electric bikes models have the lamest names ever devised in the entire history of marketing?

I mean what gives with Pro Connect - what's that all about? When I first heard it I thought: Oh they're making a comeback are they, that once out-of-town electrical discount retailer?

Enter Pro Connect in eBay and Pro Connect computer hardware comes up. And if not that, video editing software called, Pro Connect.

- That's what the name Pro Connect suggests - electrical household appliances!

I think the rot well and truly set in when Toys-R-Us became a a success.

Ordinary bicycles don't seem to suffer this affliction: The Raleigh Randonneur is a well respected bicycle admired by those cyclists in-the-know. So is the name Dawes Galaxy, and the Thorn Audax. The names have a cachet. UrbanMover? Tee hee! My shoes are urban movers.

Why do we have to lose all creativity when electrical power is introduced into the equation? The majority of names given to the current crop of electrical bicycle company's are reminiscent of a newbie's website start-up. You know: You sell bikes powered by a battery? Hmmm let's see, battery power and bicycles - I know, Powabike! That'll knock 'em dead. Yeah, Powabike it is then.

Wonder if people laughed when Mr Rolls, and his mate Mr Royce set up business and failed to call their company the Powered Horseless Carriage Co.? How people must have laughed even harder when they came up with the name the Silver Cloud for one of their cars, and fancy calling an engine the Merlin. Left to electrical bicycle manufacturers we'd now know the Spitfire's engine by the name of Flyfast. And the Spitfire they'd have called that the Flyin-fighta.

Come on electric bicycle manufacturers, don't go into 'shock' over a bit of electricity when it comes to name-calling.


Oct 25, 2006
Not wholly true though Danny, you see the Pro Connect was one of Derby Cycles ordinary bike range long before they made electric bikes, and for that matter, so was the Agattu. The electrics shared the same names due to their intended purpose and frame patterns.

I'd also excuse Powabyke (note it's spelt with a y), since they were very early into electric bikes years ago when few even knew e-bikes existed, so the name was a way of making it's presence and purpose obvious.

Since huge numbers of Joe Public still don't know e-bikes exist, there's a lot to be said for the names reflecting what they are or do, as in Powacycle, eZee and Easy Rider.

If they all named like others such as Sparta, Koga, Estelle, Rixe etc, there'd be no advance in the awareness that e-bikes even existed, and most of us have had numerous occasions of people expressing unawareness of them before seeing our ones.

Lack of naming imagination shows in many other fields when initials are used:

BMW is Bayerisch Moteren Werke = Bavarian Motor Works

BSA was Birmingham Small Arms

FIAT (cars) is Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino = Italian Cars Made in Turin

so not too much imagination there!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 25, 2008
South West
What's In a Name?

...Since huge numbers of Joe Public still don't know e-bikes exist, there's a lot to be said for the names reflecting what they are or do, as in Powacycle, eZee and Easy Rider...

I see your point, however, I maintain: are those weird names absolutely necessary?

The Toyota Prius is a state-of-the-art hybrid car, (half petrol, half battery power). But for those unaware that the Prius is a hybrid, there's not much in the shape or name that alerts them to the difference. Prospective buyers have to be told. Which is all to the good, as it doesn't label the buyer as some sort of climate-change evangelist or a 'tree-hugging, Greenpeace dinghy-interception-activist'. Just an ordinary family in an ordinary car to all intents and purposes. Which helps sales amongst those who fear the stigma of being labelled as radically different to others.

As we all know, almost every member of the non-cycling public regard electrical bicycles as wholly designed, specifically for only those who are either disabled, infirm, or not in full health. That's the perception of a large proportion who remain unconvinced by e-bikes. Maintaining a separate 'brand' image of e-bikes may foster that belief for longer than is desirable in the UK, when in fact e-bikes are for everyone. I'm pleased that the two latest offerings from Kalkhoff look like straightforward bicycles at first glance. (And are capable of being pedaled home as such, should the battery run flat). I think there would be far more rapid acceptance of the e-bike if more were offered for sale, side by side of ordinary bicycles instead of via mailorder/online only. (Easier said than done, I know).

The labelling of those who ride a bike that is perceived as intended for the less physically able would soon evaporate. I've been surprised more than once to see the latest offerings of cars with interior conversions that accommodate the more seriously disabled. Gone are the light blue, three-wheeled fibre glass, toy-town-like Noddy cars of yesteryear. Now more and more ordinary cars are being converted. You won't know, (nor indeed need to know), the driver is disabled until they get out of the car. On the highway the disabled driver is nowadays label-free. Total integration.

The e-bike is closer to a bicycle than a motorcycle, so I don't see the need to segregate the e-bike, although I know most members on this forum, are proud of their e-bikes to such an extent that they WANT them to stand out as distinct and different from ordinary bicycles. Come the day when you approach the bicycle sales assistant and they first ask, which type of bicycle: non-powered, or with some form of power-assistance? as a first question because the names on the bikes offer no clues.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
Ya going off topic boys :D

I dunno if these are the right scores on the doors because at the beginning it was all over the place! Anyways, I have copied the last one of Carpetbaggers and added subtracted etc :)

Powabyke-11 (+ 1)
Kalkhoff-10 (-1) (-1) only pedelec
Wisper-13 (+1) of course, lol I have one
Urban mover-9

I have copy pasted the list above with the prevous scores added/deducted by carpetbagger to simplify. Wisper is Winning! :D yay! lol

Urban mover-9

Happy scoring :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
What do you think would be good names for E-bikes then DannyK?

Now I'm going off topic :eek:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 1, 2007
I've not been on any of them but here are my votes for what they are worth:

Powabyke-11 (-1) too naff looking
Wisper-15 (+1) Awesome support, big battery, off-road switch, great motor
Urban mover-9


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
I've not been on any of them but here are my votes for what they are worth:

Powabyke-11 (-1) too naff looking

"too naff looking"

I hope this changes your opinion!!


Powabyke Ltd



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 23, 2007
I've not been on any of them but here are my votes for what they are worth:

Powabyke-11 (-1) too naff looking

"too naff looking"

I hope this changes your opinion!!


Powabyke Ltd
Hi Frank

I didn't realise that one was a PowaByke :cool:
I rode the old model for 3 years and could not fault it on it's reliability and distance per charge. However the weight was a big problem for me.

I like the new style but does it go as far on one charge as the battery looks very twee, although very neat and does it have the motor only option still?

Very nice looking bike though regardless :)

Sorry gone off topic :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 10, 2006
Stockport, SK7
I have copy pasted the list above with the prevous scores added/deducted by carpetbagger to simplify. Wisper is Winning! :D yay! lol
:D Can I detect some bias in this thread, or is it jealousy? :D

Deleted member 128

Here's my (+/- one) pennoth...

Kalkhoff-7 (-1) attitude of the distribution company
Wisper-16 (+1) reports of excellent customer support
Urban mover-9



Oct 25, 2006
I think this is drifting from "Best electric bike" into "Best electric bike to buy" with other factors being included in the voting.

The Kalkhoff certainly isn't worth less than half the Wisper when judged as an electric bike, so I don't think the end result is going to be of much value.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 23, 2007
Hi Frank

I didn't realise that one was a PowaByke :cool:
I rode the old model for 3 years and could not fault it on it's reliability and distance per charge. However the weight was a big problem for me.

I like the new style but does it go as far on one charge as the battery looks very twee, although very neat and does it have the motor only option still?

Very nice looking bike though regardless :)

Sorry gone off topic :D
Hi Mandy, range is reduced, 10-12 miles pure power, 18 - 25 miles in pedal assist. However as the batteries are much smaller weighing in at 3kg a 2nd or 3rd battery can be purchased and carried in panniers or rucksack.


Powabyke Ltd

Deleted member 128

I think this is drifting from "Best electric bike" into "Best electric bike to buy" with other factors being included in the voting.

The Kalkhoff certainly isn't worth less than half the Wisper when judged as an electric bike, so I don't think the end result is going to be of much value.
Hi Flecc

That's a good point. When peckerman started the thread he
listed what I can think of as the most popular E-bikes.
so I think he was actually thinking of "the best electric bike to buy".

The best car on the road isn't the most popular....

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Oct 25, 2006
Not too sure John, I was going by the thread title.

If it was open to the public the most popular would probably be a cheap Chinese shopper e-bike, since they've sold in many thousands of each. :(

Deleted member 128

I hadn't noticed the original title Flecc.

I think this calls for the biblical "judgement of peckerman" :)



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 14, 2008
Hertfordshire and Bath
Oh yes; don't forget to add the "Can-do 3.0" to the list.
Whoops! The 50 Cycles promotional post seems to have disappeared, like so many of theirs seem to do.
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Jan 3, 2007
This forum is unbelieveable sometimes. My wife can't understand why I spend any time here - calling it "pedeldicks". This current thread is a prime example of that. Initially it looked like a good fun thread, then the 50cycles bashers set it and trashed the Kalkhoff rating.

And before anyone asks, no I don't agree with how 50cycles have conducted themselves recently but as usual everyone got their knickers in a twist about it. The current vote is now totally skewed and not worth voting on. :(

Blew it

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2008
Swindon, Wiltshire

Sometime last week, I spotted what I think was a Kalkhoff in Tesco's bike rack. There may be a clue in the "Allrounder" decal on the downtube. It was also fitted with a rear seat where a juvenile could ride shotgun. I stopped for a quick look at the machine, and sure enough, that machine was not just built, it was engineered. The problem is, as you mentioned a short while back, most E-bikers don't like pedalling. ( I can't understand why..It's good for the joints!)

Is it possible that this is influencing the scoring?. Obviously, members are voting for the machines they actually ride. Then deducting a point from any machine that they wouldn't want to. Perhaps for no other reason than the absence of an independant throttle.