yes as if the police has not got enough evidence the cps will not prosecute thus why they interview you and keep you in the sells.
the police are trained to get you to confess as why they record it to give to the cps.
if you sit there and say no comment all they have is the evidence they have collected.
so if you are on a ebike more than 250w they will have to prove it to give to the cps so not in the public's interest as that will cost a fortune.
its more money than law these days
'' You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you may rely on in court and anything you do say will be recorded''
If you choose to say nowt or '' no comment'' to all points / questions posed then you MAY be subject to a special warning - EG - asked to account for your presence at the scene of a crime / accident may result in a court drawing on an inference that you chose not to say anything / no comment.
The police are not trained to get confessions - leave that to DCI Gene Hunt.
They are trained to obtain sufficient evidence to support a prosecution - that's the basics although PACE goes on and on and on and on etc
They are trained to obtain a full account - which will either provide sufficient to charge with an offence or report for summons or a case being dropped.
CPS have guidelines on whether or not they go forward with a prosecution;-
Is it in the public interest to pursue a case ?
Is there a likely hood of a successful prosecution ? - After all its the public purse that pays for the court case in the end - and it can get very very expensive
Hope that clarifies a few points