Swytch Ebike Conversion Kit


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 27, 2022
I don't see why not. Best to ask Switch. I heard they are quite helpful before they take your money.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2021
Dropout spacing also matters...but on diameter fitting a motor intended for a 20" wheel in an 18" rim would only be 10% slow, so good enough.


Just Joined
Feb 1, 2025
I aim to buy a 'Riese & Muller Birdy' folding bike, (which has an 18" wheel setup) and would like to buy the Swytch Ebike Conversion Kit. I'd like to know if this is possible. Thanks.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
Looks as if you would need to buy the bare motor and build the 18" wheel yourself.
Swytch are not generally best for value for money or post-sales support;
but ready built 18" electric wheels look rare from other vendors too.
I can't see any except with non-geared motors which are unlikely to be suitable.


Sep 1, 2024
Never seen 18" in Swytch wheel selection menu. Ask Swytch support.
For a folding bike also check the fork spacing. Swytch has two options -- the so-called universal which is 100mm, and folding which will fit 74 to 80mm. You have to choose one of the two based on your fork, not based on folding or not.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 23, 2023
Why Swytch? afaik the common wisdom is that Swytch excel at marketing a pretty generic low powered system at a high premium cost. while the motors are pretty good the batteries are small and control systems limited in useful features. and the same money spent elsewhere will generally get you a lot more bang for your bucks ( similar motor better battery and system), in perhaps a slightly less trendy package . .

Fwiw i went for a yose-power kit conversion, very happy 18months on.. and when i had need to contact yose-power support early on, they replied with helpful feedback promptly.. While Swytch customers in need of support often write in here how unresponsive swytch are post sale.

An 18" rim might be tricky to source, Woosh would be a good place to ask imho, but if not available relacing a suitable 20" wheel motor hub into the 18" rim should be do-able with a few you tube vids to help ;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 21, 2020
@Doninho11 - depending how deep your pockets are, have a look at ARCC bikes for converting the Birdy (link) with conversion prices starting at ONLY £2,199 (you send them your bike and they do all the work and send it back to you) which many on here, including me who do their own conversions, would find that an intolerable price for what you'll get. As an alternative and at around the price of a new Birdy, ARCC offer a number of off-the-shelf already converted machines using Brompton and Moulton bikes.

For a lower kit price point (around £1100) you could contact Cytronex and ask about an 18" wheel option as I know that they build all their own wheels on site in Winchester (link).

I can atest to the Swytch kit motor, made by Aikema, as I bought a used wheel and motor from someone who'd had too many problems with their kit and abandoned it - the wheel and motor are now in my road bike and gives a very nice ride for me but I only use the lower power levels as my legs are still up to putting a fair bit of my own effort in. The Cytronex motor is also an Aikema which I think is either the AKM 100sx or the AKM85sx - which ever one it is that they use, they are very quiet in operation and offer virtually no rolling resistance unpowered.

Please let us know on what you settle for.