Hi I have and e-mobility device http://en.klaxon-klick.com/klick-electric-race-tetra/ with a Hailong Battery with this KT controller http://www.szktdz.com/en/news_show.php?article_id=587
and KT LCD3 display. The display will not allow me to change max speed above 16kmh (10mph). It is limited by manufacturer. I want to de-limit the controller so I can get more speed out of the 1000w motor to use on private land only (no legal speed requirements). Can you tell me if the restriction is with the display or the controller? Then I can replace whichever part for new, hopefully then unrestricted?! Many thanks, Dom
and KT LCD3 display. The display will not allow me to change max speed above 16kmh (10mph). It is limited by manufacturer. I want to de-limit the controller so I can get more speed out of the 1000w motor to use on private land only (no legal speed requirements). Can you tell me if the restriction is with the display or the controller? Then I can replace whichever part for new, hopefully then unrestricted?! Many thanks, Dom