Hi everyone. My bafang kit arrived yesterday, so I’ve been putting it all together I’m still waiting for the battery, and the new 40t bling ring. I think the case I bought might be a bit to small for the battery, so if anyone have any suggestions, that would be welcome, my battery is 185mm x 90mm x 85mm.
I would like to change the chain and cassette it’s currently 9 speed , I was Thinking of getting the KMC X9 chain as they sell for £20 compared with £40 for the E9, has anyone used both who could advise if it worth getting the e9 or not?
My bike has a 73mm wide bottom bracket, so had to use spacers on the bracket, also there is not enough thread to get the end cap on. I’ll use thread lock and hopefully it won’t move around.
I would like to change the chain and cassette it’s currently 9 speed , I was Thinking of getting the KMC X9 chain as they sell for £20 compared with £40 for the E9, has anyone used both who could advise if it worth getting the e9 or not?
My bike has a 73mm wide bottom bracket, so had to use spacers on the bracket, also there is not enough thread to get the end cap on. I’ll use thread lock and hopefully it won’t move around.
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