Some questions from a new Kalkhoff pro-connector


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 14, 2011
I have just bought a beautiful pro Connect cycle and how I love it. Instead of wheezing up hills,,, well, I still wheeze but only a little. I have bought a Bob Ibex one-wheel trailer and plan to go cycle camping for a month to Land's End and back, if I last that long. I have no doubts about the cycle, only me.
BUT - and there are always 'buts': I am 5ft 4" tall and even buying the 50cm frame, I have to hop skip and jump to mount. Why doesn't Kalkhoff provide a smaller frame-size for this bike? Or, if they do, why doesn't 50 cycles import them? No, I don't want a step-through model.
Why use wheels with Dunlop valves? I remember these from my long-ago childhood days and haven't seen valves like this for years. So why are Kalkhoff using these on such a high-spec, up-to-the-minute cycle???
And the pump that comes with the cycle... it's pathetic! I really fear getting a puncture - not because of changing the wheel (and the instruction manual makes it look like rocket-science) but because of pumping it up afterwards. Can anyone recommend a better pump for Dunlop valves? I really don't want to have to change tubes - I didn't pay out all that money to do this.
Advice welcomed.


Oct 25, 2006
I'm afraid the Woods/Dunlop valves are still inexplicably popular in many parts of the Continent, Germany especially. Most UK owners change the tubes to Schrader sooner or later, and good tubes are so inexpensive that makes a lot of sense. Personally I couldn't live with those old valves having suffered them decades ago.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Jul 14, 2011
Thank you very much for your advice, flecc and deadmonkey. I guess I will just have to bite the bullet, fight through the manual and change the tubes! x