Some help needed before buying a electric bike


Oct 6, 2011
Hi as i live in N Ireland the two E Bikes i am looking at don't have dealers here in N Ireland so i will be ordering through the post without trying the bike out so have to get it right. So which one to buy the bikes i am looking at is the/ Wisper 705se and the/ Oxygen Diva Electric Bike from 50 Cycles as my wife and i will be using the bike it,s got to be a step through,

So would like some advice on the matter i know that the Oxygen has a smaller battery but have been told that it is a better bike by 50 cycles so is it.

Also is the Wisper a British bike i know the oxygen is made in the middle east so which one to buy i know the one i would like but bikers on this forum have a lot of experience and knowledge riding E Bikes and i will take onboard there advice as it is going to cost a lot of money for the bike.


Oct 25, 2006
None of these e-bikes are British, Wisper like most is made in the far east. You won't go far wrong with either of these e-bikes so you can safely go with your heart.

Normally a strength with Wisper is the local dealer support and that company's backup, but being where you are that may not be so relevant.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Mar 11, 2011
I would check out juicy bikes if I was you for the sort of money you want to spend you could have hydrolic brakes and a bigger battery at juicy for the same as those other two .


Oct 6, 2011
QUOTE=dayglowfroggy;119560]I would check out juicy bikes if I was you for the sort of money you want to spend you could have hydrolic brakes and a bigger battery at juicy for the same as those other two .[/QUOTE]

Had a look at the Juicy bikes you were talking about on i think i will stick to my Wisper or the Oxygeen have you read this about the battery on the Juicl bike / There is little danger from a wet battery and ours are designed to cope with riding in the rain, though it is not advised. Contacts on the battery should be dried to avoid oxidation and corrosion which would weaken the ability of the battery to power the bike. Check the contacts every few months and clean if necessary. You could use emery cloth if there is any corrosion