Smart state that you are using the bike to save the environment,which is somewhat amusing in that in an earlier post you mention using a motor cruiser at 40 knots,just out of interest what boat do you have?
You seem to be something of a fantasist,I suppose we should all be considerate and wait until you are rehabilitated,is that a mental or physical rehabilitation that your Smart bike is your intended solution?
Just can't understand why you feel the need to be so rude to so many people ,not sure whether you have troll intentions,are alcohol fuelled or have some personality disorder but you are making yourself look a right idiot on this forum.
You seem to be something of a fantasist,I suppose we should all be considerate and wait until you are rehabilitated,is that a mental or physical rehabilitation that your Smart bike is your intended solution?
Just can't understand why you feel the need to be so rude to so many people ,not sure whether you have troll intentions,are alcohol fuelled or have some personality disorder but you are making yourself look a right idiot on this forum.
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