Slow Running Thread...............................................................................................


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
After months of no running, slow or otherwise, I hit the road this morning and decided to see how long I could run, drifting along like the ghost of a particularly zenny chilled out ninja. I managed 2.9 miles before getting bored, regaining my awsesomly powerful grace and balance towards the end lol. A slightly worrying ache under my left shoulder blade, prompted me to stop after 2.9 miles, shortly after ascending the slight rise where it occurred, out of caution. I'll do my best to do it again tomorrow, because I discovered last week my blood pressure has increased again through sedentrifity and negligenociousness to 141/92! :eek::eek::eek: No way, am I putting up with that!!!!! :mad:

Forrest is running too fast:

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
My thigh muscles feel torn today, so no running! At any speed! As a young man, I used to need 3 days to recover after tearing them so thoroughly, I'm curious to see how many extra days repairs will take now. Experienced a tightness within my chest this morning, which could have been due to low blood sugar... so I had four raw garlic chopped cloves with my one daily meal, in case it wasn't.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Whisky sure takes the edge off intermittent fasting! :p I can't eat until 9.00am tomorrow! :D


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Sweated another satisfying 2 mile slow jog just now. Tried running on the balls of my feet @jonathan.agnew, and although it was more silent than usual; easier to sneak up on cats - I didn't like the feeling of whatever it was doing to my knees. I trust your knees have recovered?

I'll slow run another 2 miles tomorrow. This felt great.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Sweated another satisfying 2 mile slow jog just now. Tried running on the balls of my feet @jonathan.agnew, and although it was more silent than usual; easier to sneak up on cats - I didn't like the feeling of whatever it was doing to my knees. I trust your knees have recovered?

I'll slow run another 2 miles tomorrow. This felt great.
My knees have recovered (this is not scientific, but it's all down to posture, I can listen to music while on treadmill, ie face ahead, but not watch TV on phone, ie face down, and somehow a degree of running on balls of feet seem to remove rotational moment in knees, seem to happen in feet instead). Also, read online again about that old chestnut re weight loss - deduct age from 220 to get max heart rate and take 70% of that to get optimal fat burning heart rate, which come to something like 116 in my case. But I suspect that only works if the rest of one's lifestyle is approximately healthy (which mine when in England decidedly is not). How is it working out for you?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Also, read online again about that old chestnut re weight loss - deduct age from 220 to get max heart rate and take 70% of that to get optimal fat burning heart rate, which come to something like 116 in my case. But I suspect that only works if the rest of one's lifestyle is approximately healthy (which mine when in England decidedly is not). How is it working out for you?
Are you losing weight through exercise? Reducing what you eat works best, if you want to lose weight. But of course it's torture! Exercise has never worked to reduce my weight, unless I've been doing a lot of it. I'm considering trying 5 days of exercise with undisciplined eating followed by 5 days of intermittent fasting, because my weight loss had plateaued and I've lost too much muscle mass: bodyweight isometrics - slow pressups, planks, chin ups (sometimes singular and very slow), etc. Also slow running.

a degree of running on balls of feet seem to remove rotational moment in knees, seem to happen in feet instead).
In theory and certainly in younger people, tendons can be counted upon to perform. I find it too painful to do for long, but do appreciate it reduces impact on joints.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Are you losing weight through exercise? Reducing what you eat works best, if you want to lose weight. But of course it's torture! Exercise has never worked to reduce my weight, unless I've been doing a lot of it. I'm considering trying 5 days of exercise with undisciplined eating followed by 5 days of intermittent fasting, because my weight loss had plateaued and I've lost too much muscle mass: bodyweight isometrics - slow pressups, planks, chin ups (sometimes singular and very slow), etc. Also slow running.

In theory and certainly in younger people, tendons can be counted upon to perform. I find it too painful to do for long, but do appreciate it reduces impact on joints.
Yes that brings to mind that other online chestnut, that strength training (which I don't like) is a better way to lose weight than cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. Truthfully, the only time exercise cause weight loss in my life is when it causes reducing what I eat, meandering cycling for example while spending long days far away from fridges and cafes. Unfortunately the hectic Anglo saxon England working life seem to have a lot to do with bingeing and insomnia


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
strength training (which I don't like)
Why would you? It's painful.

Truthfully, the only time exercise cause weight loss in my life is when it causes reducing what I eat, meandering cycling for example while spending long days far away from fridges and cafes.
Pain of hunger is replaced by the enjoyable sensation of exercise, views of nice scenery etc. Endure hunger pain for 14 hours and you get to a point of hyperclear mental clarity, which for my computer-based working life works out great. Does take rather a lot of willpower to get there though, which admittedly is hard to muster.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I've just slow jogged 2.32 miles. I hit a bit of a sticky patch because I had started at 4am, and not all of the total lunatics had cleared off from the high street... so I had to turn and jog in the opposite direction. Howling mad they were, actually howling. We were all young once, but I don't recall ever being that nutso - it's a Tuesday morning!

Found myself stopping at one point, realised I was going too fast uphill, so I restarted again immediately but much slower, relaxing into it. Lovely cool morning, with a very light drizzle misting over my sweaty brow...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Maybe I should slow run backwards...

During the 19th Century, the activity of "retro-walking" was little more than an eccentric hobby, but today research is revealing it can have real benefits for your health and brain.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
There must be something to this, because my eyes hurt less after about 14 hours of not eating.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I always feel cheerful after even a short slow run. Cheers me up more than cycling.

Running could be just as effective at treating depression as medication, scientists find
Scientists call for extending treatment arsenal by implementing exercise therapy


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Right, I'm off for a slow run. If I don't return, it'll be because I've had a heart attack and died. "I may be some time"


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Bad news: I survived one mile uphill and one down again... but my heart did skip a beat 2/3rds of the way up, it's been doing that lately... woke me up with at least 12 very hard and rapid beats the other night... so it's back to the three raw garlic cloves a day for me! And back onto beans again, instead of the chocolate and roast chicken I've been stress eating almost exclusively for two weeks.

And then I had a sharp headache to the left above my left eye, as I approached my front door. Loosened dagger shaped blood clot on it's way to kill my amygdala I expect.

I'll get back out for more slow running tomorrow, if not again in a little while, because my body does love it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Bloody hell, says here I can burn 800 calories an hour slow jogging. I usually slow jog for longer than 1 hour, must do so more often - 800 calories is a significant chunk of my daily meal intermittent fasting.

