My Xtracycle cargo bike has seen a lot of use since I bought it about 8 years ago.
It's not required much maintenance but in recent years my oldest son has grown to adult size and uses the bike every day, in all weathers, for his paper run.
His riding style is not as gentle as mine and I've had one broken wheel axle (hollow type) and a couple of bent ones (solid type). The wheel bearings seem to wear quickly and get slack and gritty so I thought I'd try a pair of wheels fitted with sealed cartridge bearings.
They feel super smooth and being sealed should keep out the road crud.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of wheel bearing regarding their service life, reliability etc. as they don't seem as popular as cup and cone type.
It's not required much maintenance but in recent years my oldest son has grown to adult size and uses the bike every day, in all weathers, for his paper run.
His riding style is not as gentle as mine and I've had one broken wheel axle (hollow type) and a couple of bent ones (solid type). The wheel bearings seem to wear quickly and get slack and gritty so I thought I'd try a pair of wheels fitted with sealed cartridge bearings.
They feel super smooth and being sealed should keep out the road crud.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of wheel bearing regarding their service life, reliability etc. as they don't seem as popular as cup and cone type.