So its looking like they are legal then. I was thinking of getting a numberplate made up with the details on.
Seen an advert that has a plate with the makers name, The voltage and motor power output. Not sure if its a shop thing but thought ideal for a following police car.
Maybe less likely to be stopped if keeping my feet on the pedals rather than the running boards?
It maybe more comfortable for me anyway.
As long as i keep the speed to around 15mph, Although that does have me wondering how i would tackle certain 40mph roads around here. Would i want to turn right on a 3 lane roundabout, exiting onto another 3 lane road?
One thing i have not really seen or maybe i have not looked enough. 12 - 16" wheels/motors that some of these seem to use.
Would the motors be a universal size? Or is it possible to buy something unique and not find spares?
Big thanks.
When I bought my bike the dealer advised to keep feet on pedals. I discovered that if the freewheel is sticking and you don't have feet on pedals, when you let go of the throttle the rear wheel will drive the chain and pedals, and as they rotate the pedal sensor will kick the power back in again possibly leading to loss of control!
I never went on roads faster than 40mph and in regards to roundabouts I preferred to stay in the left lane and indicate right.
Unfortunately I have been off the forum for a very long time because I no longer use my ebike. It has serious corrosion and other issues on the rear wheel, axle, and brakes. I bought the 125cc SYM scooter I wanted last year and have put a significant amount of miles on it. It has not let me down once, is extremely fast and powerful, capable of carrying more stuff, and in nearly 18 months I've covered 50% more distance than I did on the ebike in 3.5 years.
At some point I would like to get my old ebike going again but I fear how much more it has deteriorated since I last used it.