Schwinn I-zip?

Nov 10, 2006
Funny how we all get so passionate about bikes, innit? Who'd have thunk it, eh? :rolleyes: I'm sure that says something really important that runs deep in all of us here, and its tremendous when it all works positively :D ;).



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
nigel said:
100 per cent right it took me a few months to save the dosh for my torq but it was worth it when ever the weather is dry i am out wizzing all over the place i luv it PS it did take 3 cheap bikes prior before i got the torq.
:D Cheers nigel, I'm glad you share my experience & you're enjoying your cycling :). How about a basic 3 "R's" of ebikes: Ride-ability (how easy it is to ride as an unpowered bike), Rotate-ability (motor power assistance) & Reliability (speaks for itself!)? What do you think?



Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 18, 2006

Hi everyone
have just compleated a 16 mile run on the torq it was so easy lovely sunshine:D a strong wind no problem to a electric bike it is so easy:) i must admit even after six months i am still like a big kid if that weather is dry i am out there:p on the journey went by the local river and spoke to a couple of fisherman who both showed intrest in my torq both of them were very impressed with how slick the torq is for a electric bike and finally got stopped going through our local common NO i was not speeding honest:) the PC also showed intest in my torq and said he was buying a electric bike for his wife to do there shopping so all in all i had a good day and as a bonus i also got plenty of exercise and enjoyed it.NIGEL


Oct 25, 2006
i must admit even after six months i am still like a big kid if that weather is dry
Aren't we all Nigel. :)

Good to hear what a great day you've been having. I'm just ruefully looking at the rain and listening to thunder. :(


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 18, 2007
Manchester U.K.
Ditto here on all counts, nigel :) I've often found people to take quite an interest in my bike too and they're always impressed by its slickness... sometimes it takes quite a bit longer than planned to get from A to B :D.
