I am horrified by the way drivers of motor vehicles drive so close to me when they overtake.
I believe that in France, if a motorist hits a bicyclist, it is automatically assumed it is his fault. This explains why one is treated with much more respect when cycling over there.
I am also disgusted with the stupidity of 50 yard Cycle Tracks, of which we have many in Torquay.
Any junction repair or road scheme and in goes a mini-cycle track, bright green, very pretty, and for just a little further than I can spit !
Then, nothing, or perhaps a little white line close to the pavement, if you are lucky, creating a space to collect all the leaves and rubbish, which is reputedly a cycle track !
I have written to my MP asking him to bring similar cyclist-protection into his portfolio of things to do. Please do the same.
And can I have details of that mirror ? I tried one on a stalk and it vibrated so much one could not have seen a double decker overtaking ! Peter.