Motors don't really have a voltage rating, TBH, just a maximum safe current rating and a maximum safe RPM. All that happens when you run a motor on a higher voltage is that the RPM increases, roughly in proportion to the difference in voltage (so 24V to 36V gives about a 50% increase in no load RPM).
Power output increases in proportion to the voltage increase, but motor torque (the ability to climb hills and accelerate) is set by the motor current, so won't change unless the current is altered.
My controller preference is the Xiechang range. These are sold under several pseudonyms (Lyen, e-crazyman, infineon, etc) but are all basically the same. These controllers can be programmed with some free software and a PC serial lead to change the settings, which is extremely useful.
For the Tongxin a small 6 FET controller would be ideal. The cheapest source is probably Keywin (Shiejji Ge) who has been trading on ebay as e-crazyman for several years. This controller:
36V 350W brushless controller for E - bike & scooter | eBay at about £28 including shipping, would be fine (the 25A current quoted is the peak current, as supplied it will run at around 12 to 15 A, and can be programmed to any reasonable current you want fairly easily if you need to change it).
You can also get any other parts needed, like a throttle or pedelec sensor from e-crazyman, if it's not listed on his ebay shop just email him and he'll probably be able to help. He speaks good English, so you can skype him if you want more info.