S866 wires and voltages



Hello Guys .
I have a question abt. The S866 display which I bought together witha Greentime 36V 250W controller...my bike had a throttle and PAS assistance. The throttle works fine and PAS toon, although I get the feeling that the 3 different levels of PAS are the same. Also I have a E10 error on the display. I think, because I've Read somewhere that the colors sometimes with these Chinese products, are interchanged. Is there anybody who can give me details about that and what the Voltage's should when the green, blues and yellow wires are connected or not connected to the controller...
thanks a lot.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 8, 2018
On some 'pure' speed controllers the PAS level controls only the max speed it will try to reach with that setting. With maybe a small ramping range, if you are going below the speed you get full assist, above you get nothing. So when you are starting up or going slowly you get full assist whichever assist level you choose.

I'm not sure if that applies to that controller, or what wire colours/voltages to expect.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Sadly these cheaper speed controllers are just that they control speed in each PAS level to a set maximum, the current is always maximum which means the ride is always frenetic giving max power all the time.
Sadly a lot of people buy these control systems and don't like the way the power is delivered, one is better spending more money and buying the KT control systems that use current control over speed, for speed one can set the max speed if one wants to.

The phase wires are equal any voltage carried will be the same so a third each.

E10 I believe may be a lcd protocol setting and is possibly related to P20, is might be that the P20 value is in correct or simply the lcd isn't communicating with the controller correctly. P20/0 is the normal setting but if t doesn't clear then likely the bug is within the lcd and it will need replacing. It may just be a badly soldered wire inside the lcd.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH


Thanks fr reply. I'll look for the other KT controller, that might be a solution. And abt. the E10 error, I'm not able to change the settings op P20 other than "0". I would like to look inside the S866 display for a bad connection, but that's not easy I think. Do you have a link for a neat KT Display/controller. :rolleyes: But I'm still hoping somebody can tell me what voltages or signals are on the green, blue and yellow wires of the S866 display.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
Green and yellow should the comms rx /tx, I think the blue will or should have battery SOC on it.


Just Joined
Jul 26, 2022
Sorry for the resurrection (only place you'll here that LOL); but I have the same issue and same controller. What I've found - if you still have the unit and looking to experiment with it - is the E10 didn't appear until I connected the green "self-learning" module as some threads suggest. A full reset (disconnecting the battery, as the S866 will still be powered even if the battery is switched off!) and disconnection of its leads (5 pin with a pair on the side) will do the trick. Restarting the procedure without connecting the self learning never brings the E10 back for me. Be aware though, the first time it did power the wheel in the correct direction etc.
As for the PAS on 3 or 5 levels, my case shows that 5 is simply finer grained steps of the same top speed. Now, my S866 jumped to "80" after connecting the self-learning wire the first time, and even after the reset at the suggested 1 or 6 (P07 # or magnets setting); my unit never goes above 16 Km/h and that's on a flat (PAS & throttle only). Start going uphill and it dies right out. Connect the old 810 head unit to the same controller (since repaired by this time) and that points to the S866 and its programming. Far too many pints required to spend any more time on this unit so off to the "lesson learned" pile for it.

EDIT: Details

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