-You dont know when the traffics about to start moving. If you get stuck in the inside your straight into all the hazards i've talked about.
It doesn't matter if they do start moving, either keep with their same pace or stop if nervous. Obviously I'm not advising undertaking at lunatic speed, courier fashion, so this just isn't a problem.
-You cant always see what the front is like. You may get there, find the front vehicle is going left and your in its way. even If you know theres an ASL, you dont know a car isnt going to pull in front.
Same applies, when I near the front and things are starting to move with one or more left turners, I just pause for them. I think London would seize up if everyone refused to pass on the left at all times.
Anyway, judge for yourself. I live in a London borough with all that entails, I've been cycling for 62 years and never been in contact with another motor vehicle while doing that, never accident damaged a bike, haven't a mark on me from any cycling accident, and do high cycling mileages, almost 3500 miles so far this year, more than many car drivers do.
So I think I must be getting it right.
The reason I reacted to your post saying "Don't" is that there are no absolutes in road safety. What is normally safe can be very unsafe and vice versa in differing circumstances. Ultimately careful judgment is what counts, so it's for each individual to decide what is safe for them. I accept that what you've said is safe for you, but my record shows that something very different and opposite is safe for me, without a helmet too.
