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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
No hope of a semi in your retirement with that view!

I started losing weight after my Doctor insisted I start on a permanent regime of statins, which I refused saying "No. I'll lose weight", which I did and am doing. Muscle gain is to regain what I've lost while losing weight, plus a bit... it'd useful to be strong for lugging things like bikes around. I'll get back to the form I had in 2004, one way or another, and hopefully attain a similar level of fitness (like hell lol). Also, becoming fitter and healthier might save my eyes from progression of Central Serous Retinopathy, and blood sugar, chest pain issues. Already my heart feels much less clenchy, has freed up a lot with the weight loss.

That sounds very nice indeed - any pics? No walruses please. Unless you really want to post pics of walruses lolloping around...
That does sound serious (central serous retinopathy), good luck. But I thought stress, hypertension and type a behaviour (the kind of stuff that go with getting semis around pools) were the main culprits? However, I get where you're coming from. Health scares have bizarrely been the best things that ever happened to me. I quit a fifty a day habit off the back of developing graves, stopped a bad cappuccino and pastry habit (mostly) after getting pompholyx. Motivation I discovered, and grit, have nothing to do with personality, its all about fear. Will upload pics tomorrow (cape verde, fwiw, is lovely, seawater 21c, beautiful beaches and good karma, only downside it - or Sal at least - is kinda sanitised, a lot of security, no poor, another ego dystonic aspect of mixing it with the first world walruses)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
But I thought stress, hypertension and type a behaviour (the kind of stuff that go with getting semis around pools) were the main culprits?
I'm not giving up random involuntary semis, which daily raw garlic has given me back! Three raw cloves chopped fine and consumed with cool food within 10 minutes. And now you know what to do, if they no longer happen to you. :cool:
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
I don't know if the 5 or so % of compunds unkown to science which honey contains suppress appetite, I've ben trying it, and it seems to... whether or not this is a psychosomatic effect is also unknown, at least by me. It can't be the fructose and glucose.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
I don't know if the 5 or so % of compunds unkown to science which honey contains suppress appetite, I've ben trying it, and it seems to... whether or not this is a psychosomatic effect is also unknown, at least by me. It can't be the fructose and glucose.
In my case its all existential neurosis, trying to plug the hole at the heart of the human condition with food, comfort eating, which honey, much as I like it, doesn't seem to do. however, there is always good cappucino, which is a very effective appetite suppressant, but not very nutrient. In a sense we're screwed. Though, as Leonard cohen used to say, there's always blind uninformed optimism that invariably breaks through.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Honey did make my restarting intermittent fasing easier - got a sugary boost at the 14 hour mark after ceasing eating, which enabled achieving the 24 hour target between meals, 5 days a week (I have weekends off). Orange juice did much the same when I started this weight loss via fasting intermittently madness a couple of years ago. Again a warning: consult your doctor before starting any weight loss diet. It could kill diabetics or pre-diabetic persons, people with heart problems etc.

comfort eating
For me, comfort relaxation and acceptance works well; gradually develops to work well - initially requires a big effort, but gets easier with repetition.

Drinking Coke and Pepsi may increase testicle size and testosterone production, study says

Researchers claim the study “demonstrated a high dose of Pepsi or Coca-Cola could promote testis growth and development”

“massive consumption of coffee or caffeine increased testosterone production”.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Honey did make my restarting intermittent fasing easier - got a sugary boost at the 14 hour mark after ceasing eating, which enabled achieving the 24 hour target between meals, 5 days a week (I have weekends off). Orange juice did much the same when I started this weight loss via fasting intermittently madness a couple of years ago. Again a warning: consult your doctor before starting any weight loss diet. It could kill diabetics or pre-diabetic persons, people with heart problems etc.

For me, comfort relaxation and acceptance works well; gradually develops to work well - initially requires a big effort, but gets easier with repetition.

Drinking Coke and Pepsi may increase testicle size and testosterone production, study says

Researchers claim the study “demonstrated a high dose of Pepsi or Coca-Cola could promote testis growth and development”

“massive consumption of coffee or caffeine increased testosterone production”.

regrettably, peto's paradox suggest small testes go with lower risk of cancer and a longer life
divorce settlements may be the tip of the berg when it comes to paying for all the big balled nefarious nookie. Get what you say about honey, though, I use artificially sweetened cacao to con myself. Or I hug a German shepherd.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
I've stopped using this:

Yes, saw that
and thought switching to stevia would be healthier, but it has its own complications


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
Erythritol was a pretty good sugar substitute - shame about the brain and heart borkage. I don't really need sucralose (Aldi), but it's what I use these days in coffee and tea, sometimes porridge. It's not supposed to be cooked, breaks down.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
A real weird ..but brilliant Korean drama series is "Extraordinary Attorney Wu" ..on Netflix very interesting because of the different culture ,but also extremely engaging because of the subject matter . It has a lot to say and is very clever in saying it... I don't want to spoil it by saying more.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
A real weird ..but brilliant Korean drama series is "Extraordinary Attorney Wu" ..on Netflix very interesting because of the different culture ,but also extremely engaging because of the subject matter . It has a lot to say and is very clever in saying it... I don't want to spoil it by saying more.
The sentimentality of far eastern films and TV shows is hard to relate to sometimes, but well worth trying. They communicate so swiftly- subtitltes flash by much faster than in say French or Italian films... so much easier after I leaned speed reading. Now I simply glance down at them and back up again, thus maximising time enjoying the gorgeous and often more innovative cinematography from those parts of the world. Speed reading isn't fantastic for retention - I speed read "War and Peace". It's about Russia.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
A real weird ..but brilliant Korean drama series is "Extraordinary Attorney Wu" ..on Netflix very interesting because of the different culture ,but also extremely engaging because of the subject matter . It has a lot to say and is very clever in saying it... I don't want to spoil it by saying more.
I don't know much about autism. I notice (first episode) that the gut trouble many autistic people suffer from doesn't feature at all. I suppose it's not a symptom glamorous enough to mention in that kind of TV show. I read in an article recently, that counting continuously helps some autistic people remain clam.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 7, 2021
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
A real weird ..but brilliant Korean drama series is "Extraordinary Attorney Wu" ..on Netflix very interesting because of the different culture ,but also extremely engaging because of the subject matter . It has a lot to say and is very clever in saying it... I don't want to spoil it by saying more.
A bit like astrid-murder in Paris on 4. OK, I know it isn't great, but in a world in which death in paradise pass as acting its an OK way to kill an hour on a weekday evening
