Rear Wheel bearings size on Greenedge CS2/16


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hi All ,

Could anyone please help with the following question I have.

The rear wheel bearings sound as if they are going /gone (usual symptoms) on the rear wheel on my Greenedge CS2 ebike.

Has anyone replaced theirs/ re-greased them, or are aware if the bearings are lose in a cup/cone arrangement or in a sealed bearing unit.

If anyone has experience of this issue , please could they advise me on the size required and the difficulty in removing/replacing or greasing them.

Many thanks in advance for any help given.

Hope you have great days

Best Regards



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 12, 2011
Wheel bearings wouldn't sound like they're gone. The only indication is when you can see substantial play in the wheel, i.e. grab the top of the wheel and pull it side to side. Rocking indicates bearing wear. Don't confuse side to side movement on the axle with bearing wear. That happens when the motor is incorrectly shimmed.

In some situations, you get a sound from bearing wear when you're turning (leaning the bike to go round a corner)in one direction but not the other.

You get sounds coming from the wheel from these three common causes:
1. Wheel assembled incorrectly so something is rubbing.
2. Electrical faults that cause pulse-timing and pulse-skipping issues.
3. Rust in the motor that causes everything inside to rub.

Rarely, you also get gear damage, but that normally comes as a result of rust or over-powering the motor.

the first thing to check is that the motor connector is all the way in to the marked line, not just in tight. After, that, think about when the noise started. was there some circumstances that caused it to start?

If you need more help, we need more info about the noise.
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Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 25, 2019
Hi vfr400 , thanks for your response regarding my issue ,it is very much appreciated.
the description of the sound is very hard to explain it is whisper quiet when I rotate the wheel forwards or backwards, but it does feel like the bearings have pitted.
I can feel the roughness and very slight murmur/vibration when I freewheel the wheel on my stand.

There is no issue that i can see with the motor cable and the bike motor works without any issues.

I did notice the slight rubbing/grating noise a while ago , but discussed the issue with a friend who is a very keen road cyclist and he stated that bearings do sometimes make a noise/sensation.

The issue has become more pronounced over a period of time , not suddenly.

Unfortunately I have not been able to try rocking the wheel , but wil try that over the weekend and report back.

Thanks again for your help.

Best Regards



Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 7, 2014
West Sx RH
If you can rule out any rubbing, like brake disc or gears against drop out etc,etc then I would supect the LHS cover plate bearing.
Typically I have found that the hub cover plate LHS bearing usually fails eventually could be 2k,3k or more miles. If you can feel the grating/roughness via manual axle rotation then this is the likely case. The seals used are sealed bearings and will have the part no stamped on the seal on both sides, hub needs to be opened to get at the end plate bearing to drive it out.