Rain killed my pedal sensor
(for 3 days)
My Urban Mover UM36 is now a throttle-only assist bike, yesterday's downpour killed the pedal sensor
The battery was inside being charged and the bike locked up outside, I'd left the bike out in worse rain before with no problems but with the battery still on, I think the rain must've got through where the contacts are.
And I still haven't managed to get my 12Ah battery back, mainly because I don't own a car so going to collect it means arranging a time I can borrow a car at a time when someone from Urban Mover will be able to help me out, now my bike problem has got worse and it doesn't help when they say they'll call back and they don't.
Damnit, I really like riding an electric bike but I think this one's jinxed
My Urban Mover UM36 is now a throttle-only assist bike, yesterday's downpour killed the pedal sensor
The battery was inside being charged and the bike locked up outside, I'd left the bike out in worse rain before with no problems but with the battery still on, I think the rain must've got through where the contacts are.
And I still haven't managed to get my 12Ah battery back, mainly because I don't own a car so going to collect it means arranging a time I can borrow a car at a time when someone from Urban Mover will be able to help me out, now my bike problem has got worse and it doesn't help when they say they'll call back and they don't.
Damnit, I really like riding an electric bike but I think this one's jinxed
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