Yesterday, my front tyre was flat. Turned out it was the patch on an old puncture had let go.
Now if I want to glue my boat, I can get state of the art Epoxy resin glue. For the campervan, Sikkaflex polyurethane glue, but for my bike, I have to rely on an anonymous little tube hopefully labelled 'Rubber Solution'
Seems to me that it is now only a get you home device and a new tube is a more reliable answer.
Now if I want to glue my boat, I can get state of the art Epoxy resin glue. For the campervan, Sikkaflex polyurethane glue, but for my bike, I have to rely on an anonymous little tube hopefully labelled 'Rubber Solution'
Seems to me that it is now only a get you home device and a new tube is a more reliable answer.