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Esteemed Pedelecer
Feb 11, 2007
Agreed with everything positive written about Flecc whose integrity and honesty I would without hesitation put my house on.

Given my own very negative view of 50cycles, I have always looked extremely carefully at what Flecc has to say about them and I have yet to see a single word that could be remotely construed as misleading.

Indeed, if I were pushed I would even have to concede that if people want an informed, balanced opinion about that company (or any other e-bike company) then they should certainly read what Flecc has to say above what I have to say. Not because my opinion isn't factually accurate and entirely valid (it is both), but because Flecc has a broader insight and a deeper appreciation of the bigger picture, which enables him to speak with greater authority.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
When people come to this site, a certian someone will usually recommend
'50cycles' 'excellent' bikes, I wonder how much commission is involved, and how many customers are deceived in thinking they are talking to just another bike buyer? ......they think Oh heres a standard customer, not someone that cant see NO wrong with these bikes, and knows the 50cycles company very well, so 'some' opinions are usually biassed. Which is WRONG.

Things Do go wrong, and have gone wrong, I dont get much money, I invested in the Quando 2, and I am not the only one to have complained, and was told that the bike would last years based on the friends of the companys positive comments, always in favour of 50cycles. How convenient eh.

I have realised my errors, I should of guessed and read previous past posts instead of taking people on face value.
Every worry I had about buying my bike, I was reassured by a certian person, and told that I should go for the Quando 2, as it was such an excellent hill climber, and remember, you talk about your excellent brakes, when they are not even the same as mine, you told me, I have your mails, so please dont tell me theres no problem with my bike, and for your information, I did visit the only electric bike shop in the area, that wouldn't touch my bike and told me to send it back. Which I said I wanted to do, but instead was told it would be prepared, but I was moaned at because of the delivery costs, unbealable.
It's way about time I got this out. It is so unfair on new buyers.

I paid with my credit card, therefore I am sure to have some cover.
I am told why am I riding a bike with faulty brakes, ffs, should it be binned? I bought it to use it.

Credit card purchases

If the goods or services you have bought cost over £100 and you paid by credit card, you may be protected by the Consumer Credit Act. This states that the credit card company is equally liable for any defects. Therefore, should a problem arise, you can claim either from the trader or from the credit card company.

Note that for this protection to apply, the contract price must be over £100. For example, if you have bought a suit, the jacket of which costs £75 and the trousers cost £40, you will have protection. However, if you bought the items separately instead of as one suit, you would not be afforded the same protection as neither of the items amount to £100.

Problems can arise when the company you have bought from is based outside the EU. For example, a guarantee may not be valid in the UK, or the goods may not work in the UK. Although UK law may cover your contract, in practice it might be very difficult to get any money out of a company based abroad.

For more information, see Bought on credit?
Or, very interesting...

If goods do not conform to contract at the time of sale, purchasers can request their money back "within a reasonable time". (This is not defined and will depend on circumstances)

For up to six years after purchase (five years from discovery in Scotland) purchasers can demand damages (which a court would equate to the cost of a repair or replacement).

Sale of Goods Act Quick Facts - BERR

i for one feel quite sick to my stomach reading this vile pack of accusations, where everyone has been over the top in help for you, you blame people for something which is not their fault, you have the audacity to say such things about people when you yourself have been riding around on one brake which is illegal and totally inconsiderate to both pedestrians and road traffic, there isnt one person on this forum that would say anything against Flecc and i even read on other bike forums his name talked about in the highest regard as being the most acknowledged, experienced, helpful and totally unbiased gentleman going...i myself have hounded Flecc with private messages asking advice, never have i been told to "back off" or that he didnt have time for me, and i know many others will say the same.....i hope after you come to your senses you will do the right thing and apologise gracefully...maybe by the time i have read a few more posts in this thread i will read that...
i hope you get your problems with your bike and your bad attitude mended befor you harm anyone else, yourself included.
best wishes keith


Jan 3, 2007
I just want to echo all the positives that have been said about Flecc and offer my support to him too. Gaynor, I really think you should consider a public apology and hopefully Russ will lock this thread down. Poor show indeed.


Nov 28, 2006
I said...

"When people come to this site, a certian someone will usually recommend
Then oldsock, says

When people come to this site, most of them do so humbly, in the first instance, because they are looking for information, and some knowledge; NOT the same thing, judging from some past posts A girl? biker with no technical expertise at all, buys an e-bike.
But this in the past it as been soooo one sided. Also, From a 'girl' how chauvinistic and imature. Poor thing.
It is bias, how can people be so fake, when its been blatently obvious for a long time, yes this year I have not used this board, maybe once or twice, but I posted here for help.
I felt strongly about someone that people are unaware of when they come here, it gripes me, so I mention it, I am allowed freedom of speech.

ANY ONE WHO HAS SO LITTLE GRASP OF REALITY AS TO RIDE A BIKE WITH NO BRAKES THEN blame by inuenudo .Needs help of a different sort.
This is some kind of joke surely? When you buy a TV, or a Microvae oven, ect, you shouldnt have to be an expert.
Little grasp of reality, I think that reflects yourself, how apt.
I already said, I already mentioned, as I can have one working brake -the one is not at the side of the throttle, then I have to to be exremly careful.
I walk the bike in very steep areas, I usually have to walk beside the bike as oposed to riding it!

When I recieced my Quando 2 (Fresh from the courier) one of my bakes 'pings off' there, oh so sorry for not using the tech terms, I bought it so I could use it WORKING.
There will most certianly be no apology when I strongly stand by what I said, even Flec said that because they are a small company, they are not experts in the feild of dealing with custermer service.
I did NOT bump into a gate, I was in a flat park, area, there was a gate in front, as I pulled the the brake it came off! I then flew over the handlebars, do you want the cuts and bruises to proof it? What Really grates me, if that same accident would of happened here in Hastings, then I could be dead.
I bought a new bike that was faultly from the off start, and recieved it with faulty brakes, bad scraches (which if yo wanted to sell the thing would no dought put buyers off, I took photos of the bike I mailed Flec, and many others there were no such marking damages, Then I cant even peddle the bike because the guard was very bent after being deliverd to me, I asked bike shops to fix this, but was strongly adviced to send the bike back.
There as been a number of problems from day one.

stupid selfish people like this
Surely that is agianst the board rules? Stupid selfish people. When All I flipping want is a working god Damn bike, is THAT too much to ask?


Nov 28, 2006
there isnt one person on this forum that would say anything against Flecc

Surprize surprize :rolleyes:
That in itself speaks volumes!
My complaint, I dont have a safe bike, and also the poor service *I* have received, and the advice given to me last year, similar advice for many new members.
I felt strongly about my opinion. I bought it on the back of all those positive reply's I was getting. I dont deny Flec gives excellent advice, and his web site for his bikes as helped me, its just unfair when I was the new comer and every other bike I mentioned is not recommended, only Ezee.
Message boards, forums are so typical of sticking of for their pals, when independent shops, tell me that the bike breaking so quick - I didn't brake that brake, I only used it for the second time!
Of course I am going to be hacked off.
So I am meant to accept this, and yeah sure someone mentioned that the brakes could be fixed by a mechanic, which I have tried, I took the battery out, but even if the brakes could be secured, then how does the handlebar damage get fixed?
Everyone says the same thing, waste of money, if I could ride a motorcycle I would, even small scooters with petrol have trouble getting up these hilly areas.
There is a lot more in this.
How would you feel receiving a faulty bike twice, and having ONE decent ride that helped me up the hills, after that ONE time, even with muscle power it cuts out, which was near the time of first buying.
You say I have been given good advice, when that advice I have already tryed!

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Oct 25, 2006
The eZee models were recommended a year and a half ago since you specified the two very steep hills at Hastings you had to cope with Gaynor, the eZee ones at the time being the most powerful e-bikes and the only ones then which had a chance of coping. There was no other reason, bias had absolutely nothing to do with it. If we were so biased, we would still be recommending the eZee bikes for those circumstances, but since they developed a spate of battery troubles as they were used, we no longer have been for a long while now.

It's a nonsense to compare the bike with a TV or microwave, you wouldn't do that with a car would you? An electric bike is a vehicle, and one has to learn how to use it and then use it correctly. It seems to me that hasn't been the case with you, since no matter who repairs your brakes, 50cycles or a dealer, you still get into trouble. I've told you of my Quando brakes performance, and I now add that I've covered over 4500 miles trouble free on it, including towing heavy trailers in a very hilly area, all on those brakes as you see here:

I have no brake troubles under those extreme loadings and have travelled downhill with that trailer at over 30 mph and stopped at the foot for lights. It's standing on a 1 in 7 hill, the rear brake clipped on and holding all that weight without problems, and that's the same as that second steepest hill in Hastings we discussed around a year ago, so if it climbs and descends for me with that load, why not for you with only the bike? The many other Quando owners in here have no brake trouble, I've seen not one report of it from another owner, so why do you always get it Gaynor?

Surely at some stage it must get through to you that having trouble the moment you received it, and then when your bike is fixed by competent people on more than one occasion, immediate subsequent trouble occurs each time, that is most likely to be due to you and what you are doing.

As you can't cope with this bike, one of the best hill climbing e-bikes ever made, it's clear that you are unlikely to cope with any electric assist bike in your area, so why not have the brakes fixed at a local shop once more and sell the bike, sparing yourself all this stress and us these unfounded accusations of bias.

And by the way, we have a number of female members who we have the greatest respect for, some of them very technically proficient too and helping visitors on many occasions. I checked and posted the number of female members on 7th January this year, and you got a special mention as the top female poster with 50 posts at that time. I don't think that shows any lack of respect for you, the disrespect you noted arising directly from your unacceptable behaviour above. Respect is a two way street, if you give it, you earn and receive it.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 9, 2007
... but I posted here for help.
Maybe, Gaynor, but 95% of what you have posted in this thread has been complaining about people or arguing with them.

As ever, flecc has been more than reasonable, fair and helpful.

As for your brakes, if you really do want help with them, its going to take a physical inspection to find the problem, which means finding a competent local bike shop.



Nov 28, 2006
The eZee models were recommended a year and a half ago since you specified the two very steep hills at Hastings you had to cope with Gaynor, the eZee ones at the time being the most powerful e-bikes and the only ones then which had a chance of coping. There was no other reason, bias had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Flec, I apologise for any offence, after over a year and a half of pure frustration, and not getting what I paid for, and thinking back of why I went for this bike, on the positive comments that were given to me about the Quando 2, imagine my frustration when I received the bike in such an unstable condition? Anyone would be less than happy (understatement)
I am really not that type of person to be vindictive or nasty.

I remember when a new lady, some time back got the same bike, but when she complained, I felt as if she was almost burned to the ground, she said similar comments to what I did, that she thought it was a fair forum, words to that effect.
My post could of been worded better, but I felt things are sometimes best said when felt, so they can get sorted out, hopefully, and any help would be greatly appreciated, but I have tried what as been said, and shops dont want to know, only friends had helped, but that led to more problems, so the 'fix' had to be unfixed, as I would rather one brake than a heavy bike with no power at all.
Also, its just that I would of been a lot more comfortable if I knew how friendly people are, outside the forum. I would of looked at things through another prospective.
I felt mad, who wouldn't when they had waited many weeks (over 2 months) for the return of a faulty bike, and then received it back and it was in a poor state of repair Again, I felt like a pest when I called the company.
The only electric bike shop here in Hastings is now closed down, the London road shop wasn't happy to help, but they did use duct tape to cover the exposing wires, as that's what the bike was like when I received it the second time, also the mud guard was stopping the wheels from turning it was so badly twisted, so I was sent a new one, but the friend that helped attach the new mud guard, I dont know the tech terms, hence the pictures, this was shortly after receiving the bike.

An electric bike is a vehicle, and one has to learn how to use it and then use it correctly. It seems to me that hasn't been the case with you, since no matter who repairs your brakes, 50cycles or a dealer, you still get into trouble. I've told you of my Quando brakes performance, and I now add that I've covered over 4500 miles trouble free on it, including towing heavy trailers in a very hilly area, all on those brakes as you see here:
So Flec, lucky you! So, because you've been fine does that mean my complaints should be void in some way, or unimportant.
Many people that own cars, or electric bikes do not know the in's and outs, they do to the dealer, but unfortunately my dealer is a long way away from where I live. If people were all able to fix their own Cars/bikes then AA, and such would not have a business.
I disagree, if i buy something, such as an electric bike, if a problem occurs, that is through no fault of my own, on actually receiving the bike with a loose brake, which failed, and led to an accident, why do I feel I am in the wrong, this is craziness. I know for a fact, if I had bought this bike, like many other items I have bought from Amazon, I would get a replacement, or it would be fixed for me, not be told 'its too expensive to send back again, and ask a repair shop to fix the problem, the repair shop was shocked that for the money paid such problems had already occurred.

I have no brake troubles under those extreme loadings and have travelled downhill with that trailer at over 30 mph and stopped at the foot for lights. It's standing on a 1 in 7 hill, the rear brake clipped on and holding all that weight without problems, and that's the same as that second steepest hill in Hastings we discussed around a year ago, so if it climbs and descends for me with that load, why not for you with only the bike?

Sorry Flec but that's utter rubbish, even a powered motor scooter would have an some trouble getting up these hills, let alone an electric bike, I am a semi trained kick boxer, I walk a lot, I have strong legs, so peddle like crazy when attempting the hills, but to no avail. You said yourself you had made corrections with your bike to make it faster?
So, Stronger than mine.
Many people take the lift down from the height of the Hastings castle, or on the Easthill. Its downhill all the way down to town from where I live.

The many other Quando owners in here have no brake trouble, I've seen not one report of it from another owner, so why do you always get it Gaynor?
LOL. sorry Flec, but what are you trying to say? I GOT the bike with loose wires, and when received the bike the second time it came with more problems. Please dont judge my bike being the same as yours, obviously it isn't. You said yourself you dont even have the same brakes.

Surely at some stage it must get through to you that having trouble the moment you received it, and then when your bike is fixed by competent people on more than one occasion, immediate subsequent trouble occurs each time, that is most likely to be due to you and what you are doing.

Omg Flec, that is out of order, many neighbours, and friends are very angry with the bike company, because I was only using the bike as I should. So the problem is down to me!!! Please, that is so utterly ridiculous, I had an electric bike that was acid led, made by Elran, I wasn't told it had been in storage for almost 3 years but I didn't have the problems I had with this bike, the problem that did occur was the battery ceased early, I paid less than half the price for that bike.

I will ignore your next comment because its clear the truth hurts.

I expected more maturity from you, I dont word my words as good as I should, but unlike many people, and IM's I have received at least I say it as I feel, the fact of the matter I only said what was fact, that you were on friendly terms with ezee company, but I take away the first comment, I said this as when I first wanted to know more about ALL bikes, I was offered to ride/try other bike owners Ezee bike, when I bought my bike they said via email that I would get commission if I borrowed my bike to try out, that led to a sale, hence relating to the commission comment, which I take back. The rest is fact.
There are none so blind that cannot see.



Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
please... enough already

The left brake where the throttle is as been broken since last year, so I got the one brake, but this as also pinged off, leaving me with no brakes, ........................

I have the Quando 2, so if any tips, or any helpers out there, please help
Thanks for listening
I remember this incident, it was 18 months ago for goodness sake, surely more than enough time to get it fixed, all the advice needed was offered at the time, most of it by Mr Flecc... why did you not contact the supplier ?

frankly, this is a most unreasonable rant, seemingly aimed at just about 'everyone else', when in fact you seem to have made little effort to take up the advice you were given.

you will not gain anything positive from allegations suggesting some of us are in cahoots with suppliers, or that we have bias against females, because it simply is not true, will not fix the problem or make you any friends on this board.

if you had put as much effort into fixing the brake as you have into posting your tirade, you would have a better result.

so please, instead of venting your displeasure upon us, grab the yellow pages and start dialling some cycle shops and get those brakes fixed, before you hurt yourself or some other undeserving soul.



Nov 28, 2006
I remember this incident, it was 18 months ago for goodness sake
Eh? :rolleyes:
What on earth are you talking about? I am posting about the problems here and NOW, Also pointing out that I had problems from the off start.
But oh it must be MY fault.
I Also had problems which I am sure I dont need to repeat when I first recieved the bike FFS
Also your comment about 'females', nonsence, I was merely replying to be called a 'stupid girl' I have recieved many insults, when I merely wanted advice, the advice given as I already stated was already tryed.
This is a case of too many dogs on one bone, so the expression goes.

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Nov 28, 2006
Hi All

Hi Bikers,

I am not Gaynor, but her Bf living in the NL, and i would like to make a few comments about these Pedelec bikes including some comment about how a repair got dealt with by the Pedelec company being on a scandalous way.

First the output from those bikes is max. 250 watts PROVIDED the battery is fully charged and fully on strenght now how can 1/3 HP make it possible to take a hill, i am talking not the real steep ones in Hastings, but a lesser one, impossible, except when your weight is 90 pounds or when you just got the bike out of the factory. That last thing made it possible to take a hill exactly once after that it was walking uphill.

Now i might be misinformed, but maybe not so what i know is that these Pedelec bikes are meant to use without having to use the pedals yourself so far so good, because on a flat country side those 250 watts do well enough only the construction, the way how those bikes are put together jeesus i never saw a more worse constructed piece of crap then such a bike, i mean is it normal that Gaynor's break 'pings' within a very short time, NO.

I red somewhere here these bikes, or one of them, is used in the Scottish Highlands come on joker whomever that might have said, sure downhill with ease and uphill well dont need to continue, except for one thing so maybe the highlands biker souped up his bike a little in such a case MAYBE.

I just drive a simple 50cc bike myself for the insane gasprices, not an electric one obviously, and the things generates approximately 6,000 watts, but steep hills like in Hastings would be able to be taken, not easy though.

Now when a repair had to happen and the Pedelec company came to pick up Gaynor's bike then three months later, three months who would accept that(?) not an NL customer that's a fact, but aside from that idiocy the way the bike was received back being damaged bumped and bend thanks to the so called professional employees from the Pedelec company, sure. Return it within 2 weeks then, which would be acceptable.

There is not one bicycle repair shop in Hastings willing to touch Gaynor's bike afraid to damage something, but ofcourse they are exaggarately spoken just looking at such a piece of metal being a Pedelec bike makes it fall appart. Those breaks are constructed on a dangerously bad way, dont try to tell me otherwise i saw the bike i held that bike thinking 'what a waste of money' for when almost 1,000 quid are paid then its logical you can accept a piece of quality right regardless if you are completely ignorant for the rest about a motorised vehicle. What do you tough guys all expect when Gaynor purely out of frustration puts down some words who might not be liked, her problem? No Pedelec 50cc bike companie's problem. What happened with customer service from the Pedelec company, absent.

Yes it is extremely risky to drive a bike without proper breaks regardless the max. allowed speed being 17miles/hour, not that such a piece of metal makes that still two days after purchasing, but that's another story. What happens Gaynor runs along every bikeshop to find a repairman, read above.

Like i said the way the breaks for one are constructed for its plainly insane that when you leave your home and on the way a break 'pings' hence the piece of crap words about Pedelec bikes. Ow they aren not too bad though loading such an alluminium alloyed thing up with groceries then WALKING using the throttle is the only possibility.
You should be ashamed about yourself mr. Flecc, because you must have noticed that Gaynor did exactly that what you adviced her for she trusts the words from somebody who can know resulting in 'advicing' to purchase more then absolutely needed, now i dont know this for a fact, but if you are indeed somebody who gets commision from the Pedelec company then why not only saying so, would be nice don't you think.

I noticed people here are quite kind regarding wanting to help Gaynor fixing those breaks, which is indeed a piece of cake so i fix those breaks myself removing having to fear for whatever when she NEEDS the bike, that's an issue lots of you critisizers might not even have thought about so needing the bike resulting into taking extremely irresponseble risks yes. What's the alternative in such a case?

I am going to find out EXACTLY why bicycle repairmen plainly don't dare to touch such a bike when lots of people here claim its that easy to repair the breaks for example, yes that is quite true still they refuse now why could that be afraid to break something as that's the only reason i can think of myself being responseble for possible damage then.
Why do Pedelec bike owners get forced to buy a lithium ion battery costing near 300 pounds FROM the PEDELEC company only knowing that a lith. ion had it behind 5-600 charges and decharges coming down to roughly once a year requiring a new battery depending on usage.

Quote : It's a nonsense to compare the bike with a TV or microwave, you wouldn't do that with a car would you?
No mr. Flecc she wouldn't she compares a motorised vehicle with the named items out of plain ignorance for never experiencing such a thing, is that a crime, easy to burn down Gaynor mr. Flecc and you know it still i refrain from extremely rude comments for that solves nothing.
Ow Tiberius 95% negative replies arguments and what more, did you count them all? You know where you can shove you comment right.

Gaynor has problems with her piece of crap CONTINUESLY, coincidence?
In the sense of that she just got an example of a bike who was not manufactured with the precision and professonality the Pedelec company is not known for? The three waiting months AND the way how Gaynor received her bike back tell me plenty about Pedelec being an incompetent customer unfriendly company, that is just my opinion based on what i know based about the way treated based on what i know facing that piece of crap.

In the NL electric bikes start to become more and more popular, why not in a country as flat as a pool table right, but the electric bikes cost approximately 1,100 euros are from utmost quality also they are never meant to be powered by the motor only, no pedalling has to happen and when a little push in the back is needed the motor delivers that so obviously such bikes come with gears when this is not the case by a Pedelec bike its equally as obvious the electric motor is supposed to do the job. Perfect now when the motor would indeed do that job for an extened period of time.

Gaynor's bike will be repaired until its safe for whomever who wants to buy it then it goes asap until a DECENT bike will be purchased, which will definately not be a PEDELEC bike.

Regards, Freek.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Eh? :rolleyes:
What on earth are you talking about? I am posting about the problems here and NOW, Also pointing out that I had problems from the off start.
But oh it must be MY fault.
I Also had problems which I am sure I dont need to repeat when I first recieved the bike FFS
Also your comment about 'females', nonsence, I was merely replying to be called a 'stupid girl' I have recieved many insults, when I merely wanted advice, the advice given as I already stated was already tryed.
This is a case of too many dogs on one bone, so the expression goes.


what she is talking about is december 2006 when the brake problem first happened..........look back at your postings and see that everybody tried to help, and the first advice of most was that it was the supplier that you needed to originally said what your situation was and advised what the best bike was for you,you may have been unlucky and got one that had faults but does that make it the fault of those that recomended it to you ?.......I THINK NOT !...i asked questions and advised the Quando was the best for my situation, i dont ask for advice and then do something different, i also dont then at problem time blame the advisor/s... i think there should be a disclaimer you can put at the bottom of postings just so people who have misfortune cant turn around and blame you for advise you gave when things go belly up...when you posted earlier this week people where saying how if only you lived near them they would happily have done your brake repairs for you as brakes are not a big problem to fix....but after your pityful display this week i doubt anyone will offer to help as will be terrified of any back lash and blame if anything went wrong through rider error later on... to coin a phrase..."you have pee'd on your own bonfire"..........
you remind me of teenagers as no matter what anyone tells them, or attempts to help them, they are wrong,:mad:
i am now searching for a something i read about last week..where you can block all posts cropping up in the "new posts" link that you find unpleasant.. forums like this feel like friends and you have offended my friends...
if anyone knows this blocking thingy please tell me.


Oct 25, 2006

As I've already posted above, I do not receive any benefit of any sort from any e-bike company, or indeed any company of any kind, so please do not repeat that accusation. As for the supposed alliance with eZee that Gaynor infers, as many members will know, the eZee principals, Wai Won Ching and his son Ken refused to speak to me or reply to any mails for more than a year because of my level of criticism of their batteries.

I'm afraid your technical knowledge does not permit you to draw the conclusions you have regarding the Quando's power. The 250 watts is a notional figure representing an assumed average over time, and it exists only for the purposes of the law. The peak power of the Quando motor is 576 watts gross.

Amazingly, when confronted with the photo of my bike towing up that 1 in 7 hill, Gaynor says it's nonsense my saying that it can do that. It's been doing it at least twice a week for the last 22 months, half of that as the completely standard Quando before any changes were made. Perhaps Gaynor can explain how the bike and trailer cannot climb that hill when I actually live up on that hill and have to ride back up it every time I go out since the trailer is garaged up at the top? Perhaps she can also explain away the fact that several forum members have ridden the Quando up that same hill when trying it out. Some of them have also watched this 72 year old demonstrate a standing start on a 22% 1 in 4.5 hill on it, far steeper than anything in Hastings. It does it for everyone else but her it seems.

On the 22nd January 2007, I published an illustrated account of the completely standard Quando and it's performance in this towing role in my hilly area and you might like to read that on this link.

Given the levels of nonsense in what Gaynor has said in these posts, I do not give any credence to any of her reports. It defies belief to say that 50cycles experienced technicians and the local cycle shop technicians cannot repair simple V brakes, something they routinely do every working day of their lives.


Nov 28, 2006

Hi Keithhazel,

Like i said in my first reply in Gaynor's favour her way of wording is not really to call an appropriate way, but not everybody is handy with words right aside from that its not a matter of 'handy' its a matter of trying to understand why certain words are used when understanding fails to be present then it would be convenient to say nothing.

What i got to hear is that Gaynor got adviced specifically the Quando type she has, because according to mr. Flecc that one would be able to take the hills in Hasting, but it turned out it didn't so its plainly sad when somebody used the ignorance and in fact also naivity from somebody to sell her a piece of crap, because that is exactly what those bikes are.

Gaynor knows zip about watts also nothing about specifications, but mr. Flecc knowing that the Quando type recommended only can put out 250 watts making it unikely he couldn't know that this was by far not sufficient to take in fact any more or less steep hill.
1/3 HP mr. Keithhazel that is a joke hope the number tells you something if not look it up.

This is not some kind of teenager nonsense for like i also mentioned Gaynor put her stuff down badly plainly out of frustration when that is not recognized and when that is not taken in acount, instead she gets burned down by a number of people here then to whom i am talking in fact on this site where i dont even have to be in the first place? A bunch of ignorants or a bunch of hypocrites or both maybe?

Attempts to help Gaynor by very friendly people were seen and appreciated, but i dont see anywhere here said that there was something wrong with people who offered help or with what they offered, no in the contrary a thankful reply was given so when the help could not be taken for a reason i dont know then what about a bunch of teenagers stating everything is wrong anyway, come on mr. Keithhazel read instead of just looking at the words.

It is ineed so that when mr. Flecc recommended a bike thinking it would be the best type for Gaynor's outside circumstances that when that bike turns out to have faults that this is a completely different matter, but i just wonder how can somebody recommend such a bike in the first place regardless if it would be faultless, but plainly based on its specifications known by the one who recommended also knowing that those specs are by far not sufficient, care to anser that one mr. Keithhazel?
That i call pushing stuff in order to catch the commision, because i repeat once more a 250 watts electric bike who only delivers that output in optimum circumstances IS NOT sufficient for a steepy environment so i plainly don't believe that mr. Flecc didn't know this for he knows every specification from these bikes.

Pityful display mr. Keithhazel? You try to express what you really like to express when its plainly an impossibility resulting in an indeed pityful display yes, but that is the result of inable to word properly not the result of being a rude or insultive person so i suggest you reconsider your so called 'pityfull reply' words.

Well mr. Keithhazel i hope you find your 'blocking thingie' fast for i wasted already enough time here.
I wish everybody here a pleasant day, but certain people should be able to try to become capable to take for true what is truth including acknowledging by determining that certain replies can be written in a certain state of mind caused by frustration.

Regards, Freek.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 12, 2006
Colchester, Essex
Yes,... 18 months ago

Eh? :rolleyes:
What on earth are you talking about? I am posting about the problems here and NOW, Also pointing out that I had problems from the off start.
But oh it must be MY fault.
I Also had problems which I am sure I dont need to repeat when I first recieved the bike FFS
Also your comment about 'females', nonsence, I was merely replying to be called a 'stupid girl' I have recieved many insults, when I merely wanted advice, the advice given as I already stated was already tryed.
This is a case of too many dogs on one bone, so the expression goes.

Is this not you....?

exactly 18 months ago to the day.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 1, 2007
Hi Keithhazel,

Like i said in my first reply in Gaynor's favour her way of wording is not really to call an appropriate way, but not everybody is handy with words right aside from that its not a matter of 'handy' its a matter of trying to understand why certain words are used when understanding fails to be present then it would be convenient to say nothing.

What i got to hear is that Gaynor got adviced specifically the Quando type she has, because according to mr. Flecc that one would be able to take the hills in Hasting, but it turned out it didn't so its plainly sad when somebody used the ignorance and in fact also naivity from somebody to sell her a piece of crap, because that is exactly what those bikes are.

Gaynor knows zip about watts also nothing about specifications, but mr. Flecc knowing that the Quando type recommended only can put out 250 watts making it unikely he couldn't know that this was by far not sufficient to take in fact any more or less steep hill.
1/3 HP mr. Keithhazel that is a joke hope the number tells you something if not look it up.

This is not some kind of teenager nonsense for like i also mentioned Gaynor put her stuff down badly plainly out of frustration when that is not recognized and when that is not taken in acount, instead she gets burned down by a number of people here then to whom i am talking in fact on this site where i dont even have to be in the first place? A bunch of ignorants or a bunch of hypocrites or both maybe?

Attempts to help Gaynor by very friendly people were seen and appreciated, but i dont see anywhere here said that there was something wrong with people who offered help or with what they offered, no in the contrary a thankful reply was given so when the help could not be taken for a reason i dont know then what about a bunch of teenagers stating everything is wrong anyway, come on mr. Keithhazel read instead of just looking at the words.

It is ineed so that when mr. Flecc recommended a bike thinking it would be the best type for Gaynor's outside circumstances that when that bike turns out to have faults that this is a completely different matter, but i just wonder how can somebody recommend such a bike in the first place regardless if it would be faultless, but plainly based on its specifications known by the one who recommended also knowing that those specs are by far not sufficient, care to anser that one mr. Keithhazel?
That i call pushing stuff in order to catch the commision, because i repeat once more a 250 watts electric bike who only delivers that output in optimum circumstances IS NOT sufficient for a steepy environment so i plainly don't believe that mr. Flecc didn't know this for he knows every specification from these bikes.

Pityful display mr. Keithhazel? You try to express what you really like to express when its plainly an impossibility resulting in an indeed pityful display yes, but that is the result of inable to word properly not the result of being a rude or insultive person so i suggest you reconsider your so called 'pityfull reply' words.

Well mr. Keithhazel i hope you find your 'blocking thingie' fast for i wasted already enough time here.
I wish everybody here a pleasant day, but certain people should be able to try to become capable to take for true what is truth including acknowledging by determining that certain replies can be written in a certain state of mind caused by frustration.

Regards, Freek.

you come out with all this rubbish about 250watt being of no use..if you knew that then why did you YOURSELF not tell Gaynor it would not in YOUR opinion be enough ???????????..being knowledgable like you are you will know that 250w is the legal limit here in the UK so AGAIN YOU should have told Gaynor what YOU whatever happened in the end is YOUR FAULT as if YOU had helped your girlfriend then she would not be in this mess now....have you told Gaynor you KNEW in the first place it was not in YOUR opinion no good ?.......and finally why can anyone else find the Quando capable of as steep a hill as roads are built on good enough but not YOU..
good day
p.s. yes people say things out of frustration but to continue nasty remarks about helpful people without backing off and admitting you are wrong and owe apologies is not acceptable, people can usually see the light at the end of the seem to be in a very very long tunnel....
p.s... your continual use of the "commision" phrase is liableous,ludicrous, a total insult and without ANY give up while you are way behind....
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 25, 2007
There are some facts here getting mixed up with some rather emotive stuff, no doubt brought about by disappointment with this particular bicycles condition and performance. I can understand the anger and upset at having paid good money for something that doesn't live up to expectations, but that does not give anyone the right to lash out at helpful people completely unconnected with the company or product involved.

Here are some key points, from my perspective as someone unconnected with this saga but who has read all the posts:

1. The majority of us on this forum have no connection with any supplier or manufacturer, that includes Flecc and most of the others that have advised Gaynor on here, as far as I can see.

2. The Quando is, beyond any doubt, one of the best electric bikes at climbing hills WHEN IT'S WORKING PROPERLY.

3. Gaynor has a bike that is clearly not working either properly or safely. The brake problem is extremely easy to fix, as it's quite clear from the photos that the brakes are extremely badly set up and adjusted. There may well be other problems with the bike that is giving the poor performance, because that is not normal for this model, from what I know.

4. As a bicycle owner it is important that simple maintenance and servicing tasks, like brake set up and adjustment, tyre pressure checking, chain lubrication etc, be undertaken regularly. I check my brakes every day and spend an hour or so every other weekend generally cleaning, adjusting, lubricating the bike. This is absolutely normal for any bike owner, whether electrically assisted or not and is something we all either have to learn to do for ourselves or pay someone else to do for us.

5. It looks as if some of the problems appeared whilst the bike was still under warranty. If the dealer failed to deal with them properly, then I would suggest that it's a matter for trading standards to resolve. If the dealer wasn't given the opportunity to deal with the problems, then he cannot reasonably be held to blame - the law requires that we give dealers the opportunity to sort things out.

It seems, from the perspective of this particular bystander, as if those who originally, and quite correctly, advised Gaynor that the Quando was the electric bike most likely to deal with hills are now being blamed. This is grossly unfair, as there are only two or three dealers on this forum, as far as I am aware and none of them seem to have been involved, as far as I can see.

To end on a positive note, it seems quite obvious that this bike can be sorted out fairly easily. The brake problem is extremely simple to fix - any bike shop should be able to do it in half an hour or so, although it will recur unless you learn how to do basic regular maintenance, I'm afraid. There may be some other faults with the electrical part of the bike that is giving rise to the poor performance, but until the bike is in a decent roadworthy condition I think it might be more difficult to diagnose just what the problems might be, for those of us here who are willing to spare the time to try and help.



Nov 28, 2006

Like you could read i said 'i don't know for a fact' about commision besides that if you get commision or not so what that's your business.
Wai Won Chai you say so in that case i can conclude that the bikes from Pedelec are coming from China? Maybe so for a name doesn't say much, but if they do come from Asia indeed then i think 350 pounds buying price for the ones who import them or around that number, because cheap motorised petrol bikes here coming from Asia are 1/3 of the price, for the customer, as opposed to from a so called A brand say Yamaha or Peugeot still that does make 850 pounds for a piece of crap a bit pricy don't you think.

When 250 watts are max allowed for the law Flecc your 560 watts are surely possible, but only after some tampering happened for petrol bikes in the NL were allowed to have a max of 2,000 watts and only after some tampering they can be jacked up to 14,000 watts or more. Now a petrol bike can obviously not be compared with an electrical bike, but i never heard about electrical motors who have an output of 250 watts, but with a peak power of 560 watts. Well lets put it this may my technical knowledge is probably outdated and you never tampered with your bike right just like i never did.

I dont doubt it for a splitsecond that your 1 out of seven hill can be made twice a week regardless if Gaynor says nonsense, but i can tell you one thing and that is that Gaynor's piece of crap is totally incapable of taking such a hill even with a fully charged battery so i dont say nonsense about what's your tampered bike capable of, but i do say nonsense about Gaynor bike's capabilities for i had the 'pleasure' to find out myself.

Quote : It does it for everyone else but her it seems.
Think what you like Flecc you do really a number on your own integrity, because i know that Gaynor's bike does what she says being not doing what it should.

Just red your words from the link Flecc i must say a real decent piece of work regarding advertisement for the Quando and you are apparantly then such an Quando admirer that you put all that down for free? Well like i said that's your business i dont even want to know about also i dont doubt about the named specs in the words, but like i said and repeat a real decent piece of advertisement.

Its not a matter of not being capable from experienced bicycle repairmen to fix Gaynor's breaks its a matter of plainly not wanting to touch that bike for ofcourse those guys know their job its very simple to make those breaks working only for some reason they refuse to touch the thing now what could that reason be Flecc any idea? Obviously not lack of capability or professionality from bicycle repair shops.

Something else btw do you think its correct when Gaynor had to return her bike to the factory to get it back THREE months later bend and bumped and damaged is that the normal way of routine when it comes to dealing with customers by that manufacturer?
Unacceptable and you know it for you wouldn't accept a waiting time of three months and you wouldn't accept a damaged bike back also you wouldn't accept after calling the factory to complain they were not willing to take the bike back again, too pricy, to repair THEIR created damage, but except a pack of materials was wanted to be delivered apparantly expected that Gaynor would be capable enough to montage those items herself, not ofcourse.

Given the level of a state of mind induced frustated reply Flecc if you make it a load of nonsense then that's your problem okay, because apparantly you are quite incapable to see the difference between a load of nonsense put down in a certain state of mind, because such a way of writing cannot be taken seriously no, but enough Gaynor said is quite serious and as of now i function as Gaynor spokesman here for its quite unfair also when a number of people jump her verbally when she is inable to defend herself properly on a verbal way also so lets here it Flecc else refrain from speaking to me.

Regards, Freek.


Nov 28, 2006

Hi Keithhazel,

These are my final words for indeed i would have strongly disadviced Gaynor to purchase such a bike would it not be i didn't know her by then yet for that's a year more or less behind purchasing.

Clear enough? If not pity for you i dont repeat myself time after time after time so if you dont mind i return into my tunnel for its a Very long walk to te end of that one right mr. Keithhazel ;)

Have a pleasant day.

Regards, Freek.
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